New board for the year 2015

The autumn meeting of The Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki, held at Think Company Viikki on November 24th (minutes in Finnish), elected a new board for the association for the year 2015. Information about the board members for 2015 can be found here and the action plan for this year is here.

During the year 2015 the association will continue to act as an open forum for all its members and aims to create a link between the University of Helsinki and its doctoral students.

Mandatory autumn meeting at Think Company Viikki, Nov 24th! New board will be elected!

The Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki will have its mandatory autumn meeting at Think Company Viikki (Latokartanonkaari 3) on Monday, November 24th at 6 pm.

The meeting shall decide on:


You are most cordially welcome!

The documents and the agenda of the meeting:


Helsingin yliopiston jatko-opiskelijat ry:n syyskokous pidetään Think Company Viikissä (Latokartanonkaari 3) maanantaina 24.11. kello 18.00.

Kokouksessa päätetään:


Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

Get Together Night on Friday, September 26 2014

Dear all,

The new association for Doctoral Students is having it’s first meet up!

This informal get-together is open to all Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki. It is a great opportunity to meet other doctoral Students and meet the new board of the new association for Doctoral Students and join up too. Membership is not mandatory in coming to the get-together.

When and where:

on Friday the 26th 7 pm at Dubliner on Mannerheimintie 5 right in the center of Helsinki! 

The website of the bar:

We will be sitting in an area called Magner’s Corner.

You are most cordially welcome!! ;)

Extraordinary general meeting Mon 25 August!!

An extraordinary general meeting of the Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki shall be held on Monday 25th of August at 6 pm at Mannerheim-sali (New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 A, 5th floor). The agenda consists of making amendments to the bylaws. The National Office of Patents and Registers requires us to make some changes to the bylaws accepted in the founding meeting.

Welcome! On behalf of the board, Harri Waltari, chairperson

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Ylimääräinen yhdistyksen kokous

Helsingin yliopiston jatko-opiskelijoiden ylimääräinen yhdistyksen kokous pidetään maanantaina 25.8. klo 18 Mannerheim-salissa (Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 A, 5. kerros). Kokouksen aiheena on yhdistyksen sääntöjen muuttaminen. Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus edellyttää yhdistyksen tekevän joitain muutoksia perustamiskokouksessa hyväksyttyihin sääntöihin.

Tervetuloa! Hallituksen puolesta, Harri Waltari, puheenjohtaja

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