Statement on University’s recruitment permission procedure

The Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki has published a statement on University’s recruitment permission procedure and sent it to the Board of the University, to the Rector and to the Director of Administration. The statement was published in Finnish. The contents of the statement include:

– After the current cooperation negotiations the Director of Administration grants recruitment permission for all teaching and research positions except for professors and assistant professors (whose recruitment permission is granted by the Rector). We are afraid that the procedure makes life of those doctoral students’ whose contract is to be agreed or renewed in the near future unnecessarily difficult.

– The recruitment permission procedure affects also those researchers who are working on supplementary funding. It complicates the funding and looks bad for the financier.

– The procedure may also hamper foreign doctoral students’ permission to stay in Finland if contract renewals get delayed.

We have asked the Board of the University to reconsider how the recruitment permission procedure is applied to doctoral students.
