Tag Archives: Philo of Alexandria

A Workshop on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Judaism at Trinity College Dublin

Text: Elisa Uusimäki and Sami Yli-Karjanmaa
Photos: Jutta Jokiranta

Three members of the CSTT’s Team 4 – Jutta Jokiranta, Elisa Uusimäki, and Sami Yli-Karjanmaa – travelled to Ireland in the beginning of May in order to foster the co-operation between biblical scholars working at the University of Helsinki and Trinity College of Dublin. Landing to the greenness of Dublin on a sunny day was a most beautiful start for our visit, and the next days of academic activities and college life fulfilled our expectations. Continue reading A Workshop on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Judaism at Trinity College Dublin

New Publication: Reincarnation in Philo of Alexandria

Sami Yli-Karjanmaa (2015). Reincarnation in Philo of Alexandria. Studia Philonica Monograhps 7. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.

CoverPhilo of Alexandria is the most important representative of
Hellenistic diaspora Judaism. His writings, devoted to a large extent to the allegorical exegesis of the Books of Moses, profoundly influenced Christian theology during its formative centuries. The strong element of Greek philosophy in Philo’s thought has been recognized since antiquity, but his relation to the Pythagorean-Platonic tenet of reincarnation has been a neglected, even avoided, topic in research. This book tackles the issue head on and with thorough, detailed research confirms the view—common in the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries—that Philo accepted the doctrine even though he preferred not to speak openly about it. The book shows how allegorization enabled Philo to give an interpretation involving reincarnation to very different scriptural passages.

A.F. Puukko Academy: ‘Jewish Platonism in Alexandria’ (22.1. 2015)

This Thursday January 22, 2015, at 16.00h, the second Puukko Academy of the academic year 2014-15 will be held at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki (Vuorikatu 3, 5th floor, Faculty room).

The lecture is given by Dr. Sami Yli-Karjanmaa and is titled ‘Jewish Platonism in Alexandria: Philo and His Eschatology‘.  Continue reading A.F. Puukko Academy: ‘Jewish Platonism in Alexandria’ (22.1. 2015)