ISHA Helsinki presents: Cheap and Dirty vol.XI!

So it’s time to get together with your best friends and head to the Kallio with ISHA Helsinki and the fellows for the Cheap & Dirty- pub crawl Vol.11. This is the best way to change your Wednesday evening from boring to unforgettable.

The event will start from the Sörnäinen metrostation at 18.00 and the plan is to go around the Kallio region and it’s bars and have some good time. If you enjoy good company, cheap beer and dirty pubs this evening is definitely for you.

Join the fun and bring your friends(or come and make new ones) with you as well!

What: Cheap & Dirty- Pub crawl by ISHA Helsinki
When: 16th of March, 18.00 onwards
Where: Kallio (Start at the Sörnäinen metrostation)
Why: Friends, beer, Kallio, ISHA, etc.


(Taas) On tullut aika rymytä läpi Kallion, kun ISHA Helsingin jo legendaariseksi muodostunut Cheap & Dirty- baarikierrostelu näkee päivänvalonsa yhdettätoista kertaa 16.3! Liittymällä seuraamme saatat arkisen keskiviikon sijasta viettää unohtumattoman pikkulauantain.

Aloitamme kierroksemme Sörnäisten metroaseman tuntumasta klo 18.00. Illan agenda on siis kiertää ympäri kalliota ja tutustua sen likaisimpiin baareihin. Mikäli olet vailla hyvää seuraa, halpaa olutta tai jo mainittuja likaisia juottoloita, on tämä ilta juuri sinua varten.

Tule mukaan ja tuo ystäväsikin mukanasi!

Mitä: Cheap & Dirty- pubikierrostelu
Milloin: 16.3 klo 18.00 eteenpäin
Missä: Kallio (Tapaamme Sörnäisten metroasemalla)
Miksi: Ystävät, olut, ISHA, Kallio, jne.

ISHA Helsinki’s annual meeting of 2016

ISHA Helsinki ry will hold it’s annual meeting in march. The meeting takes place at the New Student’s House in 31.3 at 18.00 p.m. You will find the agenda of the meeting below in finnish. See you there!
ISHA Helsinki ry:n vuosikokous järjestetään Uudella ylioppilastalolla 31.3 klo 18.00.  Löydät kokouksen esityslistan suomeksi viestin alaosasta. Nähdäänhän kokouksessa!

The agenda of ISHA Helsinki’s annual meeting // ISHA Helsingin vuosikokouksen esityslista

Aika: 31.3.2016 klo 18.00
Paikka: Uusi ylioppilastalo

Kokouksen esityslista:
1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus.
3. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi (2)
pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja kaksi (2) ääntenlaskijaa.
4. Hyväksytään kokouksen esityslista.
5. Esitetään tilinpäätös, vuosikertomus ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto.
6. Päätetään tilinpäätöksen vahvistamisesta ja vastuuvapauden myöntämisestä.
7. Vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio sekä
jäsenmaksun suuruus.
8. Käsitellään muut mahdolliset asiat.
9. Kokouksen päättäminen.


Here is the new board of ISHA Helsinki!

ISHA Helsinki got it’s new board elected last december and it has been active after the new year with a couple of meetings and organized events!

In order to contact the new board send e-mail ( with the exception of our officer of cultural affairs whose e-mail is

So here is our new squad:


  • Onni Kari

Other Members of the board

  • Jaakko Rahko, Vice president
  • Siiri Aura, Secretary
  • Karoliina Johnsson, Treasurer
  • Aleksi Kojo, ICT officer
  • Minna Likander, Officer of equality affairs
  • Louchin Chi, Officer of international relations
  • Ted Hellsten, Steward
  • Lauri Heinonen, Officer of cultural affairs
  • Elina Tiensuu, Officer of environmental affairs
  • Jouko Raitaniemi, Member of the board
  • Kim Sjöström, Member of the board

Ps. Remember to like our facebook page if you already haven’t!

ISHA’s New Year’s Seminar 2016 in Marburg: History and Fiction

From January, 4th to 9th 2016, ISHA Marburg will host the annual ISHA New Year’s Seminar in Marburg, Germany.

This year, the topic of the seminar will be ‘History and Fiction’. In up to five different workshops, the participants will have the chance to discuss the degree and influence of fictiticous traits in and on history and historiography, while exploring the fabulous homeland of the renowned folk storytellers, the Brothers Grimm.

Seminar workshops consist of subjects:

Folk and fairy tales
Historical fiction
Political myths
History and fiction in medieval texts

On friday, there will be a day trip to Kassel in northern Hesse, to visit its world heritage site ‘Wilhelmshöhe’ and its newly opened ‘Grimmwelt’ museum about the life and work of the Brothers Grimm.

Application is open from 26th to 30th of October, 2015. Application link below:

More information about the workshops and the day trip seminar website:

And once again if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask from ISHA Helsinki’s board.

ISHA Fall Seminar in Graz, Austria: “Failure & Beyond, Telling History – Shaping Memory

Interested in travelling, meeting other history students and improving your academic presentation skills? Now ISHA (International Students of History Association) offers a great opportunity to do so when ISHA Graz section organizes a fall seminar for students of history around the globe. The theme will be “Failure & Beyond, Telling history – Shaping Memory”. The seminar consists of six workshops which discuss e.g. forgotten and failed utopias and ideals in writing history.

What: ISHA Graz: The fall seminar for students of history
Where and when: 6.-12.9.2015 in Graz, Austria.
Application period: 13. – 18.7.2015. The application form available in ISHA Graz website. The form should be submitted to ISHA Graz email (
Price: 70 euros. Including accomodation, meals and the seminar programme. Payment due date 10.8.2015. If you wish you can pay 40 euros beforehand (due date 10.8.) and 30 euros upon arrival.
Programme: Two days of workshops and touring around the city of Graz. One more extensive trip outside the city. Last but not least, lots of partying!

More information:

ISHA Graz website and facebook:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask from the board members of ISHA Helsinki!

Have a great summer!

ISHA Weekend Seminar 2015: “Common History and Society in the Post-Habsburg States”

ISHA Budapest launches a weekend seminar in August and the application has just started! The organisers especially invite all the sections that belonged to the Habsburg Empire in 1910, but the seminar will be open for everybody, who is interested in the history and the society of this region as well.


Place: Balatonakali, Hungary
Organiser: ISHA Budapest
Date: Aug 23, 2015 – Aug 26, 2015
Subscription time: Jun 29, 2015 – Jul 05, 2015
Topic: “Common History and Society in the Post-Habsburg States”
Participants: 30
Fee: 40.00 EUR


More information from facebook link below:

If you are interested and have any questions about the seminar, please don’t hesitate to ask from ISHA Helsinki’s board!

Sauna with ISHA Helsinki & CISSI (17.4.2015)


ISHA Helsinki (International Students of History Association) and CISSI (Committee of International Social Scientists at University of Helsinki) are gathering together at Idan Sauna (Ida Aalbergin tie 1) for a joyful evening of sauna-related action. During the evening there will be a chance to get the full Finnish student sauna experience and then cool it off in the pool with a collection of some of the finest people you can find. You can also just come enjoy some beverages and hang out with us! There is also a pizza place around the corner from the sauna so you won’t be starving.

Remember to take your own towel with you. Also, take your swimsuit if you prefer to use one, but be mentally prepared to see naked people around. The sauna shifts are as follows:

19.00-20.30 ladies
20.30-22.00 gents
22.00-00.00 mixed

Instructions on how to do sauna:

Come enjoy our international atmosphere and make new contacts with Finnish and international students! Or join for the sport, as we will be playing the traditional ‘tappopallo/rähinäankka’ or ‘killerduck’ in the pool.

ISHA Helsinki presents: CHEAP & DIRTY vol. IX 23.3.2015

ISHA Helsinki’s legendary pub crawl Cheap & Dirty is here again! We start our tour of the cheapest and dirtiest pubs in Kontula at 7 pm, where we will gather outside of Kontula metro station where we start our journey to the deepest depths of the pubs of eastern Helsinki. If you want to join us later on you can also give us a call and we’ll tell you where we are. Join the fun and bring your friends with you as well!

ISHA Helsingin legendaarinen baarikierros Cheap & Dirty on täällä taas! Seikkailu alkaa Kontulasta klo 19. Lähdemme kierrokselle Kontulan metroasemalta, josta lähdemme kiertämään idän hämärimpiä juottoloita. Jos liityt mukaan myöhemmin soita joillekkin järjestäjistä, niin kerromme missä olemme. Liity joukkoon ja tuo mukaan myös kaverisi!

ISHA Annual Conference in BUKAREST 24.–30. 4. 2015

[ in English below ]

ISHAa on vaikea tajuta ennen kuin sen kokee.

Huhtikuussa on taas ISHAn suuren ja kauniin kevätkonferenssin aika. Romanian pääkaupunkiin Bukarestiin saapuu 24.–30. huhtikuuta sata historian opiskelijaa ympäri Eurooppaa.

Konferenssin teemana on “Local vs. Global: A transnational perspective on history”. Akateemisen osuuden työpajoja täydentävät erilaiset temaattiset kaupunkikierrokset ja tietenkin perinteiset vapaa-ajan aktiviteetit kuten pub crawl ja National Foods and Drinks Party. 100 euron seminaarimaksu kattaa majoituksen kuudelta yöltä, ruokailut sekä mm. päivämatkan Transilvaniaan! Lennot pitää hankkia ja kustantaa itse.

Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin alkaa 8. helmikuuta 00.00 EET ja päättyy 15. helmikuuta 23.59 EET. Seuraa sähköpostilistaasi, sillä lähetämme ilmoittautumislomakkeen heti ilmoittautumisen alettua. Konferenssiin valitut ilmoitetaan viimeistään 20. helmikuuta. Kuka tahansa historian opiskelija voi ilmoittautua osallistujaksi. Osallistujia valitessa ensikertalaisuus on yksi valintakriteeri. Varmistaakseen pääsyn haluamaansa työpajaan kannattaa kirjoittaa hyvä motivaatioteksti. Tässä ISHA Helsingin hallitus auttaa sinua mielellään.

Mikäli sinulla on kysyttävää tai olisit alustavasti kiinnostunut osallistumaan konferenssiin, lähetä meille mailia osoitteeseen Helsinkiläisten lisäksi seminaariin on lähdössä myös turkulaisia historian opiskelijoita!

Konferenssin kotisivu, jossa tietoa mm. työpajoista

Alla alkuperäinen kutsu

Original Invitation

Dear ISHA friends,

We are pleased to invite you to ISHA Annual Conference which will take place from 24 to 30 April 2015 in Bucharest, Romania!

The 26th Annual Conference aims to bring a controversial but captivating topic to our attention: Local vs. Global: A transnational perspective on history.

There is no doubt that, even if we keep trying to forswear this tendency, nationalism remains a powerful influence upon the writing of history. Instead, the novelty of transnational history is really the idea of offering an alternative to the dominance of a historiography structured around the nation. Historians see it as more than simply being an additional stratum in the “onion model” between local, regional and national history on the one hand and global on the other: transnational history defies this logic of layers and can directly connect the local to the supranational or transcontinental. We now challenge you to look beyond national history through eight workshops which treat a wide variety of aspects like ideologies, globalization, culture, migration, conflicts, international integration and others.

The academic part of the programme will be complemented by soft-skills training, guided thematic tours in Bucharest, visits to emblematic cultural and historical buildings and places, a day trip to Transilvania as well as the well known Ice Breaking Party, Pub Crawl or National Food & Drinks Party.

An important aim of this conference is to create a platform for intercultural dialogue and broaden cultural and academic horizons as well as foster debate among up to 100 participants from all over Europe.

The application period starts on Sunday, 08 February 2015 at 00:00 Eastern European Time (EET) and ends on Sunday, 15 February 2015 at 23:59 EET. The participants list will be published on 20 February. The participation fee is 100 euro.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Please follow the website ( and our facebook page ( for further details.

We very much look forward to seeing you in Romania!


If you are interested to apply for the conference or you have anything to ask, the board of ISHA Helsinki gladly helps! Send us mail to We will help you with your application process.