on the 7th of Nov: The Past 30 Years of the Nordics -quiz and other games

The plans for celebrating ISHA Helsinki’s 30th Anniversary got disturbed by the epidemic so we figured out an alternative way to celebrate the birthday! We will organise a quiz on the theme “The Past 30 Years of the Nordics”, which is quite self-explanatory and will be concentrating on questions about events and topics of the past 30 years in the Nordic countries. So be prepared to test your knowledge related to geography, history, politics, scandals, and popular culture of the Nordics!
You can take part in the quiz either by yourself or in groups of maximum of 3 people. We will provide you with a questionnaire at the beginning of the quiz where you will write your answers. The winner(s) of the quiz will get eternal glory and virtual hugs and kisses from the organisers!
After the quiz, we can continue our Zoom hangout and play other online-games together if participants are feeling it.
We will provide the link for Zoom on the day of the event on the Facebook event and add it here on our website as well. See you on the 7th of the November!!
Link to the Zoom: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/63691606332?pwd=NFJwME5nNGxjOWwwY2NUZ3dtSkh4UT09
WHAT: A quiz and online games!!
WHERE: Zoom!
WHEN: 7th November, 7pm (Finland time is UTC+2, so check your time zones!;))
WHY: Who doesn’t love quizzes and games with awesome people!



ISHA Helsinki News – Autumn 2020

Hello fellow students and friends,

we hope you have been doing well despite the current global pandemic. As everyone and every organisation we have also been affected by the current situation which unfortunately restricts our normal functioning as a student organisation.

Sadly, due to circumstances and restrictions on the number of attendees when it comes to events, we have to again cancel our 30th Annual Ball that would have taken place on the 27th of October. Instead of a physical meeting, we’ll be organising an online game night at the end of October.

We have been concentrating on planning online events that are accessible for everyone and started our online-Autumn journey with an Afternoon Tea Talk -event on the 4th of October. It was a lot of fun and we hope to organise a similar one again soon. Though, we won’t be forgetting face-to-face meetings completely: we are planning on an Autumn Picnic that will tentatively take place on the 17th of October at 2pm.

We will keep you updated on the events we’re planning to organise. We wish a happy and safe autumn for you all!


Best regards,

the Board of ISHA Helsinki




The effects of COVID-19 to the events of ISHA Helsinki

Dear everyone,

The 2020 board of ISHA Helsinki had a meeting last week on the 12th of March. The minutes can be found exceptionally here, in Finnish.

Sadly we have to announce that the 30th Anniversary Ball of ISHA Helsinki, that would have taken place on the 3rd of April, will be canceled due to the coronavirus epidemic. We are following the recommendations of the University of Helsinki and the Finnish government and will cancel all the events at least until the 31st of May.

We have rescheduled the Anniversary Ball to the autumn and it will be held on the 27th of October. We will provide new information about the Anniversary Ball later this year. Until then, remember everyone to follow the rules of the government in this special situation we live in. Most importantly, stay home as much as possible, but if you need to go out, wash your hands and keep distance to other people to protect the most vulnerable.


Best Regards

The board of ISHA Helsinki 2020


ISHA Helsinki presents: Blades of Steel 2017


Bored of Christmas already? Come and experience ISHA Helsinki’s traditional Blades of Steel (NES, 1988) tournament. This will be the 4th edition of the tournament!

Link to the Facebook-event:Blades of Steel 2017

There is no entrance fee for the tournament. Previous experience of the game is not required and anyone can join the tournament! Before starting the tournament, we will have a couple of training rounds.

No registration is needed.

WHAT: ISHA Helsinki presents: BLADES OF STEEL 2017
WHERE: New Student House, 3rd floor, Room Weber
WHEN: 28.12.2017 5pm ->


Tule mukaan kokemaan videopelihistoriaa ISHA Helsingin kanssa. Illan päänumero on Blades of Steel (NES, 1988) -turnaus. Perinteikäs turnaus järjestetään neljättä kertaa peräkkäin.

Turnaukseen osallistuminen on ilmaista. Aiempaa kokemusta ei vaadita, turnaus on kaikille avoin! Ennen turnauksen aloittamista on mahdollisuus pelin harjoitteluun.

Turnaukseen ei vaadita etukäteisilmoittautumista.

MITÄ: ISHA Helsinki presents: BLADES OF STEEL 2017
MISSÄ: Uusi ylioppilastalo, Weber
MILLOIN: 28.12.2019 klo 17 ->


ISHA Helsinki New Board 2018/ ISHA Helsingin uusi hallitus 2018

ISHA Helsinki is happy to announce the new Board for the year 2018! The new members are as follows:

The President of the Board: Miran Hamidulla

New members of the Board: Ted Hellsten, Atte Koreneff, Mikael Shepelenko, Verna Ruokonen, Ahto Harmo, Riku Luostari and Elina Sipilä

The Board for the year 2017 would like to congratulate the new Board and wish them all the best for the 2018!

ISHA Helsinki & CISSI Revolution-sitsit

ISHA Helsinki and CISSI are organizing a joint sitsit on the 1st of October with the theme of Revolution! So get your favourite revolutionary costumes out of the closet and join us as we celebrate (amongst others) the 100th year anniversary of the October Revolution. NB!! The sitsit are likely to be very popular so act now if you want your place secured! The e-sign up sheet will be published next Monday the 25th of September at 12pm.


Here is a link to the event on Facebook: ISHA&CISSI Revolution-sitsit

WHAT: ISHA&CISSI Revolution-sitsit
WHERE: New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 A, 3rd floor
WHEN: 1.10 at 6.30pm
WHY: Good company, great drinks and the Revolution!
MITÄ: ISHA&CISSI Vallankumous-sitsit
MISSÄ: Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 A, kolmas kerros
MILLOIN: 1.10 klo. 18.30
MIKSI: Hyvää seuraa, hyvää juomista ja vallankumous!

ISHA Helsinki Season Opening with Sauna

ISHA Helsinki would like to invite both our old and new members to our Season opening! So, if you are a NEW STUDENT/EXCHANGE STUDENT at the University, you are highly recommended in joining us and getting to know the other members! As mentioned the event includes the possibility of going to a sauna, but you can also come and just hang out with the other members if going to sauna is not your thing.

The event takes place at the attic sauna Kekkonen at 7pm, so whether you are a freshman/exchange student/older member of ISHA, please come and join us for a relaxing night!

Link to the event in Facebook: ISHA Helsinki Season Opening

WHAT: ISHA Helsinki Season opening with Sauna
WHERE: Attic sauna Kekkonen, Kaivokatu 10 A, 9th floor
WHEN: Next Wednesday at 7pm
WHY: New friends, ISHA and the free sauna!
MITÄ: ISHA Helsinki kaudenavajaiset Kekkosella
MISSÄ: Kaivotalo, Kaivokatu 10 A, 9. kerros
MILLOIN: Keskiviikko 6.9. kello 19. eteenpäin
MIKSI: ISHA Helsinki, uusia ystäviä ja ilmainen sauna!

The List of Participants for the Summer Seminar 2017 is out!

The list of participants for ISHA Helsinki Summer Seminar 2017 is out! Check the attached information for instructions on payment and deadlines, too!

Participants for the ISHA Helsinki Summer Seminar 2017

General info to participants


– The deadline for the submission of your abstract (max. 1 page) in PDF format is on Friday 30th of June at 23.59 UTC+3 (Finnish Summer Time). Send your abstract by email to isha-hallitus[at]helsinki.fi.

– The deadline for the payment has been moved up in order to shorten the period of uncertainty for the people on the waiting list. Participants must pay at least half of the participation fee, 50 euros out of the total fee of 100 euros, by June 5th. If you don’t, a person on the waiting list will take your place (please see below). The rest is payable upon arrival. Pay the fee to:

Receiver: ISHA-Helsinki RY IBAN: FI08 1031 3000 7787 90



– If you have been selected to participate in the PhD workshop, please also write in addition to your abstract what you would like to discuss in the Friday session of the workshop. The quest speaker will take up themes you have wished for, so don’t hesitate to suggest what you want!

– If you have questions about anything, for example you are wondering why you are listed under a workshop that was not your first choice, please contact us at isha-hallitus[at]helsinki.fi.





List of participants


Workshop 1 – Historical Consciousness in Education

Kazakova, Liliya – ISHA Kaliningrad

Kulej, Maja – ISHA Osijek

Sevo, Blaz – ISHA Split

Soba, Miha – ISHA Ljubljana

Stepanenko, Nikita – ISHA Kaliningrad

Toth, Noemi Dalma – no section declared

White, Thomas – ISHA Kent

Ydiers, Emma – ISHA Ghent


Workshop 2 – Historical Consciousness in Culture and Media

Delrue, Valentin – ISHA Ghent

Galardini, Luca – ISHA Rome

Hannula, Henriikka – ISHA Vienna

Kühnlenz, Sophie – ISHA Berlin

Malkova, Anastasiia – ISHA Berlin

Nogal, Grezgorz – ISHA Warsaw

Rossi, Pauli – ISHA Turku

Sandhagen, Julian – ISHA Berlin


Workshop 3 – Historical Consciousness in Place

Cooman, Isabeau – ISHA Ghent

Grodzińska, Magdalena – ISHA Warsaw

Gruhalski, Kuba – ISHA Warsaw

Logvinenko, Elena – ISHA Kaliningrad

Piscokova, Zora – ISHA Lugano

Pusztai, Péter Attila – ISHA Budapest

Skelin, Ante – ISHA Zadar

Zapolsky, Maria – ISHA Kaliningrad


Workshop 4 – Historical Consciousness in Politics

Bache, Daniel – ISHA Berlin

Fieremans, Nils – ISHA Ghent

Fuchs, Flora – ISHA Berlin

Grey, George – ISHA Kent

Logghe, Anselm – ISHA Ghent

Vergos, Konstantinos – ISHA Tessaloniki

Waters, Adrian – ISHA Kent

Wilson, Alyssa – ISHA Lugano



Workshop 5 – PhD Workshop:

remember to include your wishes for the Friday session’s programme in your abstract!

Adomopoulou, Maria – ISHA Tessaloniki

Bezsenyi, Tomas – ISHA Budapest

Butra, Madgalena – ISHA Warsaw

Ivanova, Bozhidarka – ISHA Sofia

Molnar, Daniel – ISHA Budapest

Podzniakova, Irina – ISHA Kaliningrad

Prati, Dario – ISHA Berlin

Zambo, Lilla – ISHA Budapest


Waiting list


People on the waiting list will be informed whether or not they get to attend the seminar in early June, after the payments have been processed. There is of course a chance of someone cancelling even after making their payment, in which case you could be offered a spot later on in June or even in July, but please don’t plan your summer expecting this to happen.


Veric, Ive – ISHA Split

Kriukov, Artem – no section declared

Pichugina, Tatiana – ISHA Kaliningrad

Fostova, Siusana – ISHA Kaliningrad

Lazarenko, Yanina – ISHA Kaliningrad

Saenko, Angelina – ISHA Kaliningrad

Szathmari, Edina – no section declared

Jakab, Zalan Tamas – no section declared

Nemeth, Patrick – no section declared

Ogasiyan, Ilya – ISHA Kaliningrad


Summer Seminar 2017 – Historical Consciousness

For descriptions of the workshops, please see below:

The 2017 ISHA summer seminar offers the following workshops, each of which seeks to attract approximately eight participants:

  1. Historical Consciousness in Education
  2. Historical Consciousness in Culture and Media
  3. Historical Consciousness in Place
  4. Historical Consciousness in Politics
  5. PhD Workshop


  1. Historical Consciousness in Education

Workshop leaders: Johanna Norppa & Tanja Taivalantti
Email: johanna.norppa(at)helsinki.fi; tanja.taivalantti(at)helsinki.fi

Children are hardly blank slates as they begin to study history in school. They bring with them to the classroom both true and false historical preconceptions absorbed from their family, friends, books, games, etc. Strong preconceptions have a studied tendency to withstand the cognitive dissonance brought on by opposing facts, dismissing or distorting the lesson’s message rather than being replaced by new information. To overcome this, students need to become aware of the dissonance and make a conscious decision to abandon their erroneous preconception.

On the other hand, schools are among the most important builders of historical consciousness, the shaping of which is one of their stated goals. Since there are always political aspects to historical consciousness, on what level of decision making should the more controversial details of historical subject matter be decided, and how far should schools go in their aims of producing good citizens by way of affecting their historical consciousness?

  1. Historical Consciousness in Culture and Media

Workshop leaders: Miran Hamidulla & Petri Savolainen
Email: miran.hamidulla(at)helsinki.fi; petri.r.savolainen(at)helsinki.fi

Historical fiction, though often presented as fact, has probably been the most important shaper of historical consciousness since the dawn of tribal myths, through Homer and Shakespeare and down to Downton Abbey. Yet all such fiction has some basis in facts, from which it draws its verisimilitude. This intermingling of history and story, transmitted, re-interpreted and repeated through various media over time, is the essence of what may be called historical culture. In this workshop, we may explore practically any aspect of historical consciousness which is not covered by the other workshops: those which are not connected to education, architecture, or location and are not overtly political. For example, you might make your presentation on the impact of a particular work of culture on the historical consciousness of a specific society, or even of an individual, or you might explore the effect of a whole genre or medium when it first appeared. As long as your point of view has something essentially to do with historical consciousness with regard to culture and/or media, your imagination is the limit

  1. Historical Consciousness in Place

Workshop leaders: Ted Hellsten & Atte Koreneff
Email: ted.hellsten(at)helsinki.fi; atte.koroneff(at)helsinki.fi

Historical consciousness affects and is affected by places, whether on the scale of a room, a building, a city, a region or a country. Names, those of streets, for example, change over time according to the wants and needs of the rulers and of the people and carry a memory of these. Buildings and monuments represent the eras, ideas and architectural styles that created them, even when they are converted for different purposes.

The use of a historical name of a modern region can bring about traumatic memories and a sense of loss for people who can no longer call it home. One example of this is the former East Prussia, which is nowadays split between Russia, Poland and Lithuania, with the former principal city Königsberg renamed Kaliningrad. The interpretations and historical consciousness of different cities and areas change over time. Different people have different ideas of the meanings of these territories as some fade from the public historical consciousness whereas some remain driven by different actors or monuments dedicated to them. In the USA the remaining symbols of the Confederate states are slowly disappearing from official use due to public outcry, while in the private sphere free speech guarantees that aficionados of “the good ol’ days” will keep them around for the foreseeable future.

  1. Historical Consciousness in Politics

Workshop leaders: Onni Kari & Leonard Wilhelmus
Email: onni.kari(at)helsinki.fi; leonard.wilhelmus(at)helsinki.fi

Historical consciousness forms the basis of all politics. Every political movement, every political ideology is based on some understanding of history. For example, Marxism is built on the assumption that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” History is used to legitimize one’s own actions and to cast blame on the actions of others. Historical consciousness is always there, whether in the form of official propaganda used by a totalitarian regime, or more casually in everyday political debate.

The importance of historical consciousness seems to be growing and the idea of “the end of history” fading. Political disputes are fueled by historical accusations, by references to history. An obvious example is the rise of the populist right-wing movements across the globe. The opposition to such movements is often articulated in the form of anti-fascism, thus building a historical linkage between the far-right movements of the 1930s and the populists of the current times. The populist right-wing usually denies this linkage: instead, they try to prove that they just want to restore the national democracy and the national borders, which used to be the common sense until lately.


  1. PhD Workshop

Workshop Leaders: Sanna Supponen and Ilkka Kärrylä
Email: sanna.supponen(at)helsinki.fi; ilkka.karryla(at)helsinki.fi

This workshop is designed for PhD students (and Masters students who are planning to apply for a PhD program), and topics don’t have to follow the overall theme of the seminar. During the first part (Wednesday) of the workshop, participants will present current topics or questions in their dissertation work (max. 20min), and discuss them with fellow participants. The presentations can concern for example methodological foundations, source materials, and relevance of the new historical understandings derived from these works. MA students can present their research plan. Abstracts will be required in advance.

The second part of the workshop (Friday) will focus on general challenges during PhD process, such as time managing, writing process, or how to give a good conference presentation. Participants will have advice from the guest speaker and can share their best practices with each other. Exact topic(s) will be decided according to the wishes of the participants.

The aim of the PhD workshop is to get new ideas and views from fellow doctoral students from other fields of history and different countries. This can serve as a cornerstone and prospect of constructive international collaboration among the ISHA alumni members, predominantly its PhD candidates.


End of the Season-sauna


Dear ISHA friends!
The end of the academic year is approaching fast which is why ISHA Helsinki will be organizing a final get-together! As our last event this spring we are inviting YOU to experience traditional Finnish wooden sauna.

We will meet at the Kalasatama Metro station at 6pm and walk from there to Sompasauna which is a traditional wooden sauna at the southernmost tip of Sompasaari. You can also join us later. Note that the path to the sauna is bit difficult to find due to the large construction works in Sompasaari.

The sauna costs you nothing. We recommend you to bring your own beverages and your own towel. There is also a grill outside the sauna that is free to use.

Experience one of the most traditional aspects of Finnish culture without leaving the city! See you there!

http://Link to the Facebook-event

WHAT: Finnish sauna-experience in Sompasaari
WHERE: Sompasauna at Sompasaaren laituri, FI-00540, Helsinki
WHEN: May the 24th, meeting at Kalasatama metro station at 6pm
WHY: Sauna is a quintessential part of Finnishness!
MITÄ Sauna-ilta Sompasaaressa
MISSÄ: Sompasauna Sompasaaren laiturilla
MILLOIN: Toukokuun 24. päivä, yhteislähtö Kalasataman metroasemalla klo. 18.00
MIKSI: Ilmainen sauna hyvässä seurassa!