ISHA Helsinki Board Elections / ISHA Helsingin vaalikokous

ISHA Helsinki will gather to choose it’s board for 2017 on December 15th. The meeting will be held in Marx, New Student House (Mannerheimintie 5 A, 3rd floor) at 18:00. So, if you’re interested in being in the board of ISHA Helsinki or just want to be an active ISHA member and come hang out with us, attending this meeting is highly recommended!

If you’d like to be a board member or an official (active member) of ISHA Helsinki, but can’t make it to the meeting, you can inform the board directly or via email (

Here is the agenda for the meeting in Finnish:
1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus.
3. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi (2) pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja kaksi (2) ääntenlaskijaa.
4. Valitaan hallituksen puheenjohtaja.
5. Valitaan hallitukseen 5–11 muuta jäsentä.
6. Valitaan yksi (1) toiminnantarkastaja ja hänelle yksi (1) varatoiminnantarkastaja.
7. Käsitellään muut mahdolliset asiat.
8. Kokouksen päättäminen.

ISHA Helsinki presents: CHEAP & DIRTY PUB CRAWL Vol. XII

It’s here again, now for the 12th time: ISHA Helsinki’s legendary Cheap & Dirty Pub Crawl! That means you should clear your Thursday November 3rd evening of any other plans and come crawl through the cheapest and dirtiest pubs and bars of Helsinki with your awesome friends in ISHA Helsinki. The event will most likely include some karaoke singing as well!

This time we’ll first go to the bars in Merihaka and then head out to the more familiar Kallio where we’ll spend the rest of the night.

The pub crawl will start at Meri Pub (Haapaniemenkatu 14 A) at 18:00. Be there and bring your friends as well!

If you want to join us later you can text or call +358451387373 to find us.

What: ISHA Helsinki Cheap & Dirty Pub Crawl
When: November 3rd, 18:00 onwards
Where: Merihaka and later Kallio (Start at Meri Pub, Haapaniemenkatu 14 A)
Why: Good company, pubs, cheap beer, karaoke, ISHA…

Facebook event:

ISHA Helsinki Anniversary Sitsit

Have you ever wanted to experience the glamorous 1920’ and party like Gatsby? Ever had the desire to be part of the upper class in Downton Abbey? Would you have wanted to meet Charlie Chaplin and have a laugh with him?

Now you have the amazing possibility to be as glamorous as Coco Chanel or as cool as Al Capone. Join us on ISHA Helsinki’s 26th anniversary sitsit! The evening shall start with a welcome drink at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4th at the New Student House (Uusi Ylioppilastalo) on the 3rd floor. The dinner itself starts at 7 p.m. Reservations are necessary and numbers are limited, so be sure to secure your place when the online reservation is available. The price of the sitsit is 15€ for alcoholic meal and the non-alcoholic is 13€. Sitsit is to be paid with a bank transfer, but if that’s not possible you can pay it in cash at the venue. Reservation via E-lomake opens on September 23rd.

Awaken your inner party animal, dress up in fabulous clothes and come and have an unforgettable evening with us!

Unfortunately the venue is not accessible for wheelchairs. If you have any questions about the sitsit in any way feel free to contact ISHA Helsinki’s chairman Onni Kari

WHAT: ISHA Anniversary sitsit
WHEN: October the 4th at 6:30 pm welcoming drinks, 7 pm the dinner
WHERE: Alina hall, Mannerheimintie 5A 3rd floor
WHAT DOES IT COST: 15€ alcoholic dinner, 13€ non-alcoholic



MITÄ: ISHA Helsingin synttärisitsit
MISSÄ: Alina-sali, Mannerheimintie 5A, 3. kerros
MILLOIN: tiistaina 4.10. kello 18:30 alkumaljat, 19:00 pöytiin siirtyminen
MITÄ MAKSAA: 13/15 €

Facebook event

ISHA Sauna Night For New Students

ISHA Helsinki starts the semester with a sauna night for both new and old students. This event is especially recommended for new students who are interested in ISHA, but everyone is welcome. Sauna is only a part of the event and the place is also suitable for just hanging out, so you can (and should!) come meet your new friends at ISHA even if you don’t feel like going to sauna.

So, whether you are a freshman, an older ISHA member, or an exchange student, make sure you’ll come and sauna/hang out with us on Tuesday 13.9!

The event starts at Marx which is located on the 3rd floor of the New Student House (Mannerheimintie 5 A) at 17.00. We will first hang out there for some time and then (at 19.00 or so) head out to the attic sauna Kekkonen (Kaivokatu 10 A, 9th floor).

What: ISHA Sauna Night
Where and when: From 17.00 at Marx, from 19.00(?) Kekkonen
Why: Because sauna, ISHA, and awesome new friends

Facebook event

ISHA Helsinki Movie Night


Were you a Japan fan when you were a teenager? Or do you simply like good movies? Now it’s time for your favourite evening with ISHA Helsinki Movie Night 1/2016! We will watch movies by the world famous Japanese Studio Ghibli on Tuesday 26 April in Weber, New Student House, 3rd floor. You, the audience, will decide which movies we watch during the evening from the following:

The Tale of Princess Kaguya (Kaguya-hime no monogatari, 2013)
The Wind Rises (Kaze tachinu, 2013)
Spirited away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi, 2001)
Porco Rosso (Kurenai no buta, 1992)
My neighbour Totoro (Tonari no Totoro, 1988)

The movies will have Japanese voice and English subtitles. The location is unfortunately inaccesible with wheel chair, so contact us for help in reaching the location. The event is free and open to all students, like all activities of ISHA Helsinki.

What: Studio Ghibli movies in ISHA Helsinki Movie Night 1/2016
When: Tuesday 26 April, starting at 7pm
Where: Weber, New Student House, 3rd floor. Address Mannerheimintie
Why: スタジオジブリから!


Here’s the link to the facebook event

ISHA Osijek’s Summer Seminar 2016

History of the marginalized

So the spring is here and the summer will be in no time. Summer means naturally that there will be ISHA’s summer seminar and this year it takes place from Monday 11th until Saturday 16th of July in Osijek, Croatia.

Here is how ISHA Osijek describes the upcoming summer seminar:

“The topic of the seminar is “History of the Marginalized”. Current situation in Europe and elsewhere incited the idea for this topic and recent events ignited fear of certain groups. In our opinion, this asks for more discussion about the subject in general.”

For more infromation about the seminar: ISHA Osijek Summer Seminar 2016

How/when to apply?

The application period starts on Monday 11th April 2016 at 00:01 (CET) and ends on Saturday 16th April 2016 at 23:59 (CET). The participants list will be published on April 20th 2016.

The participants will be selected according to the following criteria:

  1. At least one active local member from each ISHA section
  2. Academic quality of motivation
  3. Precedence of ISHA officials
  4. Non-Members/Partners of ISHA

You’ll find the application form from here when the application period starts

Ps. If you have any questions about the seminar or it’s application, please contact the board of ISHA Helsinki.


Marginaalien historiaa Osijekissa

Kevättä pukkaa ja kohti kesää mennään! Sehän tarkoittaa tietysti myös sitä, että kohta on aika ilmottautua ISHAN kesäseminaariin, joka tänä vuonna järjestetään 11.7-16.7 Osijekissa, Kroatiassa. 

Seminaarin teema tänä vuonna tulee olemaaan “History of the Marginalized”. ISHA Osijekin mukaan kyseisen teeman valintaan vaikuttivat ajankohtaiset tapahtumat niin Euroopassa kuin muuallakin maailmassa.

Lisää infoa tulevasta seminaarista:

Milloin ja miten haetaan?

Osallitujien haku käynnistyy maanantaina 11.4 ja päättyy lauantaina 16.4. Vastaavasti osallistujalista ilmoitetaan keskiviikkona 20.4.

Hakulomakkeen löydät tästä haun alettua:

Ps. Jos sinulla on jotakin kysyttävää seminaariin tai hakuprosessiin liittyen, ota yhteyttä ISHA Helsingin hallituksen jäseniin.


ISHA Helsinki presents: Cheap and Dirty vol.XI!

So it’s time to get together with your best friends and head to the Kallio with ISHA Helsinki and the fellows for the Cheap & Dirty- pub crawl Vol.11. This is the best way to change your Wednesday evening from boring to unforgettable.

The event will start from the Sörnäinen metrostation at 18.00 and the plan is to go around the Kallio region and it’s bars and have some good time. If you enjoy good company, cheap beer and dirty pubs this evening is definitely for you.

Join the fun and bring your friends(or come and make new ones) with you as well!

What: Cheap & Dirty- Pub crawl by ISHA Helsinki
When: 16th of March, 18.00 onwards
Where: Kallio (Start at the Sörnäinen metrostation)
Why: Friends, beer, Kallio, ISHA, etc.


(Taas) On tullut aika rymytä läpi Kallion, kun ISHA Helsingin jo legendaariseksi muodostunut Cheap & Dirty- baarikierrostelu näkee päivänvalonsa yhdettätoista kertaa 16.3! Liittymällä seuraamme saatat arkisen keskiviikon sijasta viettää unohtumattoman pikkulauantain.

Aloitamme kierroksemme Sörnäisten metroaseman tuntumasta klo 18.00. Illan agenda on siis kiertää ympäri kalliota ja tutustua sen likaisimpiin baareihin. Mikäli olet vailla hyvää seuraa, halpaa olutta tai jo mainittuja likaisia juottoloita, on tämä ilta juuri sinua varten.

Tule mukaan ja tuo ystäväsikin mukanasi!

Mitä: Cheap & Dirty- pubikierrostelu
Milloin: 16.3 klo 18.00 eteenpäin
Missä: Kallio (Tapaamme Sörnäisten metroasemalla)
Miksi: Ystävät, olut, ISHA, Kallio, jne.

ISHA Helsinki’s annual meeting of 2016

ISHA Helsinki ry will hold it’s annual meeting in march. The meeting takes place at the New Student’s House in 31.3 at 18.00 p.m. You will find the agenda of the meeting below in finnish. See you there!
ISHA Helsinki ry:n vuosikokous järjestetään Uudella ylioppilastalolla 31.3 klo 18.00.  Löydät kokouksen esityslistan suomeksi viestin alaosasta. Nähdäänhän kokouksessa!

The agenda of ISHA Helsinki’s annual meeting // ISHA Helsingin vuosikokouksen esityslista

Aika: 31.3.2016 klo 18.00
Paikka: Uusi ylioppilastalo

Kokouksen esityslista:
1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus.
3. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi (2)
pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja kaksi (2) ääntenlaskijaa.
4. Hyväksytään kokouksen esityslista.
5. Esitetään tilinpäätös, vuosikertomus ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto.
6. Päätetään tilinpäätöksen vahvistamisesta ja vastuuvapauden myöntämisestä.
7. Vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio sekä
jäsenmaksun suuruus.
8. Käsitellään muut mahdolliset asiat.
9. Kokouksen päättäminen.


Here is the new board of ISHA Helsinki!

ISHA Helsinki got it’s new board elected last december and it has been active after the new year with a couple of meetings and organized events!

In order to contact the new board send e-mail ( with the exception of our officer of cultural affairs whose e-mail is

So here is our new squad:


  • Onni Kari

Other Members of the board

  • Jaakko Rahko, Vice president
  • Siiri Aura, Secretary
  • Karoliina Johnsson, Treasurer
  • Aleksi Kojo, ICT officer
  • Minna Likander, Officer of equality affairs
  • Louchin Chi, Officer of international relations
  • Ted Hellsten, Steward
  • Lauri Heinonen, Officer of cultural affairs
  • Elina Tiensuu, Officer of environmental affairs
  • Jouko Raitaniemi, Member of the board
  • Kim Sjöström, Member of the board

Ps. Remember to like our facebook page if you already haven’t!

ISHA’s New Year’s Seminar 2016 in Marburg: History and Fiction

From January, 4th to 9th 2016, ISHA Marburg will host the annual ISHA New Year’s Seminar in Marburg, Germany.

This year, the topic of the seminar will be ‘History and Fiction’. In up to five different workshops, the participants will have the chance to discuss the degree and influence of fictiticous traits in and on history and historiography, while exploring the fabulous homeland of the renowned folk storytellers, the Brothers Grimm.

Seminar workshops consist of subjects:

Folk and fairy tales
Historical fiction
Political myths
History and fiction in medieval texts

On friday, there will be a day trip to Kassel in northern Hesse, to visit its world heritage site ‘Wilhelmshöhe’ and its newly opened ‘Grimmwelt’ museum about the life and work of the Brothers Grimm.

Application is open from 26th to 30th of October, 2015. Application link below:

More information about the workshops and the day trip seminar website:

And once again if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask from ISHA Helsinki’s board.