Grand Sitsit – the most fabulous academic dinner party

The 24th May HYVÄT participated in the Grand Sitsit, an academic dinner party held outdoors on the Senate Square. The event was organised by the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) and the Co-delegation of student nations. The special occasion this year was the Student Union’s 150 anniversary, and the 375-year anniversary of the old student nation system.

The event was now arranged for the third time (although this was the first time HYVÄT participated) and it gathered around 2000 partying students on the square. Most of them were from the Student Union’s organisations and the Student Union, but the guests included also the Chair of the Board of the University of Helsinki, President Tarja Halonen, and Deputy Mayor Anni Sinnemäki.

The program consisted of traditional eating, drinking and singing together. HYVÄT served a three course vegan meny to go with the singing, which consisted of songs in Finnish, Swedish, English, as well as occasional German, Estonian, and Latin.

Some of the best moments are presented in the pics below.

The around 1,900 participants filled half of the Senate Square
Skål! Kippis! Cincin!
In between the courses, we were entertained by cheerleaders – from which we gathered that sitsit must be regarded as a sport :)

