Prehistory of the PhD association

This text is the first part of HYVÄT’s anniversary blog series. This story by Harri Waltari, the first chairperson of HYVÄT (then HYJO).

My history with the doctoral student community within the University of Helsinki starts long before I was a doctoral student myself. I became the secretary of academic affairs at the Student Union in August 2006. There were two secretaries and as I came from a research intensive field myselft, I took the resposibilities concerning research and graduate education.

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Apply to HYVÄT Election Committee

New PhD representatives will be elected again this autumn. The elections will be organized by HYVÄT (with help from the coordinators), all the way from publishing the application announcement to collecting the list of candidates and performing the actual elections.
In the core of all this is the election committee, that consists of at least four members, preferably at least one from each doctoral school. This impartial committee organizes all the practical matters concerning the elections. So it has a huge effect in the university’s doctoral education for the next two years.

Continue reading “Apply to HYVÄT Election Committee”

HYVÄT Guidelines for Supervision Agreements

One of HYVÄT’s most important advocacy themes is equality of all the PhD candidates, especially providing everyone the same opportunities regardless of their research environment, source of funding or supervisor.

To tackle this, we published the attached guidelines on what the agreement between a supervisor and a supervisee should contain and what to expect from each. For a new PhD student, it is really difficult to get to know the base level and even many of the supervisors don’t know the most widely used practises for example in the frequency of meetings.

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HYVÄT spring meeting March 19th


Aika: 19.3.2019 klo 18.00
Paikka: Kabinetti, Mechelininkatu 3 D, krs -1


  1. Kokouksen avaus
  2. Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  3. Esityslistan hyväksyminen
  4. Kokouksen puheenjohtajan valinta
  5. Kokouksen sihteerin valinta
  6. Kahden pöytäkirjantarkastajan ja ääntenlaskijan valinta
  7. Vuoden 2018 toimintakertomus, tilinpäätös, sekä toiminnantarkastajien lausunto
  8. Tilinpäätöksen vahvistaminen ja vastuuvapauden myöntäminen
  9. Hallituksen tai virkailijoiden täydentäminen (mahdollinen)
  10. Muut käsiteltävät asiat
  11. Kokouksen päätös

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