Association Christmas Party!


The Association Christmas Party is getting closer!

We invite all our members (and your friends) to join us for some glögi, gingerbread and other treats! Meet up with other PhD students and get a head start on the holiday spirit. You will also have the chance to meet the board and ask questions or share suggestions for the association’s activities for 2017.

Time: Dec 7th at 17.30
Place: Rydman, Kaivotalo Building, Kaivokatu 10 A, 9th floor, at 17.30.

Presenting: the board for 2017

Thank you to everyone who attended the autumn general meeting and discussed the name of the association, the membership fees and other topics. The association now has a new board for 2017:

Julia von Boguslawski

Board members:
Petri Tuisku
Oulia Makkonen
Mari Valdur
Anton Saressalo
Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas
Teemu Saksala
Fanny Johansson
Jani Pirinen
Leo Stockford

Isto Peltomäki

You can read the action plan for 2017 here. As always, if you have any questions or comments please contact us, we’re here to represent you.

A big thank you to the board of 2016!

Fanny Johansson
Chairperson 2016

Presenting: the board for 2017

Thank you to everyone who attended the autumn general meeting and discussed the name of the association, the membership fees and other topics. The association now has a new board for 2017:

Julia von Boguslawski

Board members:
Petri Tuisku
Oulia Makkonen
Mari Valdur
Anton Saressalo
Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas
Teemu Saksala
Fanny Johansson
Jani Pirinen
Leo Stockford

Isto Peltomäki

You can read the action plan for 2017 here. As always, if you have any questions or comments please contact us, we’re here to represent you.

A big thank you to the board of 2016!

Fanny Johansson
Chairperson 2016

Presenting: the board for 2017

Thank you to everyone who attended the autumn general meeting and discussed the name of the association, the membership fees and other topics. The association now has a new board for 2017:

Julia von Boguslawski

Board members:
Petri Tuisku
Oulia Makkonen
Mari Valdur
Anton Saressalo
Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas
Teemu Saksala
Fanny Johansson
Jani Pirinen
Leo Stockford

Isto Peltomäki

You can read the action plan for 2017 here. As always, if you have any questions or comments please contact us, we’re here to represent you.

A big thank you to the board of 2016!

Fanny Johansson
Chairperson 2016

Autumn General Meeting 2016

Interested in decision-making regarding doctoral education? Now is your chance!

The Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki will organize its autumn general meeting on Wednesday 23 November at 18.30, place: Caisa-room, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5.

The agenda consists of duties of the autumn general meeting, most importantly including the election of a new board and decision on action plan and budget for 2016. The agenda of the meeting and the proposed action plan and budget for 2017 can be downloaded below.

According to the bylaws of the Association, the meeting shall be conducted in English but every member has a right to use either Finnish, Swedish or English in the meeting.

The members of the Association are most cordially invited to take part!
If you are interested in joining the board of the association you can let us know during the meeting. If you have any questions you can email them to the chairperson at
Agenda for the meeting, PDF: Agenda
Action plan and budget for 2017, PDF: Action plan and budget