Action plan 2016 – Call for Ideas

As the year is quickly drawing to an end, we have started writing our action report and are drafting the action plan for next year. We would be most grateful if you would like to submit your ideas for actions, activities or any other types of event that you think the Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki should/could do next year. Having your idea accepted in the next action plan is the best way to make an impact on all doctoral students at the University.


Please send your ideas by email to Sawan before the end of next week (30.10).

We encourage you to register with the association before submitting your idea.

Thank you!


Action plan 2016 – Call for Ideas

As the year is quickly drawing to an end, we have started writing our action report and are drafting the action plan for next year. We would be most grateful if you would like to submit your ideas for actions, activities or any other types of event that you think the Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki should/could do next year. Having your idea accepted in the next action plan is the best way to make an impact on all doctoral students at the University.


Please send your ideas by email to Sawan before the end of next week (30.10).

We encourage you to register with the association before submitting your idea.

Thank you!


Action plan 2016 – Call for Ideas

As the year is quickly drawing to an end, we have started writing our action report and are drafting the action plan for next year. We would be most grateful if you would like to submit your ideas for actions, activities or any other types of event that you think the Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki should/could do next year. Having your idea accepted in the next action plan is the best way to make an impact on all doctoral students at the University.


Please send your ideas by email to Sawan before the end of next week (30.10).

We encourage you to register with the association before submitting your idea.

Thank you!


How to survive grad school + PhD movie 2

PhD Movie 2 screening + panel discussion – Wednesday 14th October

The deadline for registration is extended to end of this week!

Room A111, Exactum, Kumpula Campus
The event is aimed at doctoral students or students who are considering a career in academia, but it is open to everyone. Registration is mandatory because of limited seats.

The registeration form may be found here:

Five professors, one from each natural science department, have been invited as panelists. Students will be free to ask any advice or discuss life in academia.
Afterwards, the movie PhD Movie 2 will be screened.
The panelists will be:
Prof. Kaarle Hämeri (Dep. of Physics)
Prof. Kari Astala (Dep. of Mathematics and Statistics)
Prof. Paula Vanninen (Dep. of Chemistry)
Prof. Jussi Kangasharju (Dep. of Computer Science)
Prof. Mari Vaattovaara (Dep. of Geography and Geosciences)
h 16 Opening words by Director of Doctoral School Prof. Paula Eerola
         Presentation of the Association of Doctoral Students by Tommi Tenkanen
h 16.15 Panel discussion to ask academic career advice
h 16.45 Screening of PhD Movie 2
h 18 Closing

Valet av doktorandernas representanter 2015

Doktorandernas nya representanter i doktorandprogrammen och forskarskolorna väljs i oktober. Det här är en ypperlig chans att delta i beslutsfattandet och att få veta vem din representant är och vem du kan vända dig till med frågor som rör doktorandutbildningen. Eftersom det är belönande att fungera som representan samtidigt som det är en fin möjlighet att förbättra doktorandernas utbildning, uppmanar föreningen dig varmt att kandidera!

Tiden att ställa upp som kandidat är 5.10 – 15.10

Röstningen är 19.10 – 31.10

Vem kan ställa upp som kandidat?

Varje doktorand som var inskriven på universitetet 1.10.2015 kan ställa upp som kandidat antingen till styrgruppen i sin forskarskola eller styrgryppen i sitt doktorandprogram. Mandatperioden är två år.

Vi söker dig som

  • har möjligheten att ställa upp för hela mandatperioden på två år, 2016-2017
  • vill fungera som en länk mellan doktorander och personal
  • har intresse för att förbättra doktorandernas utbildning
  • kunskaper i både finska och engelska är en fördel (styrgrupperna arbetar på antingen finska eller engelska, men dokumenten är vanligen på finska)

Du får

  • chansen att delta i beslutsfattandet – din röst är likvärdig med de andra styrgruppsmedlemmarnas
  • insyn in hur universitetet och doktorandutbildningen fungerar
  • möjligheten att träffa inflytelserika personer
  • beroende på ditt program kan du också få studiepoäng

Läs mer om valet här i bloggen under “Valet av representanter 2015”!