Presentation of board members!

15 September 2015:

Presentation of board members continues:

To get to know us and the association a little better we decided to tell you, members of the PhD association, who we in the board are.

Together we are 9 persons who all have at least one thing in common – a big dream of gaining still one more title, Doctor of Philosophy/Science/Medicine… A bunch of different mother tongues and nationalities are also things that describe the group.

But let me introduce you our third AND fourth member, the two power girls Julia and Fanny. Both bilingual, or Fanny even trilingual! :) These girls are fluent speakers of Finnish, Swedish AND English and this is also why they often are the ones writing the associations official documents. But, they are also much more. Let´s read what…

Julia von Boguslawski: Jag är doktorand i historia sedan hösten 2014 och forskar i de alternativ till kristendomen som började sökas efter vid sekelskiftet 1900 både runt om Europa och i Finland. Mina fall är tre nya rörelser på det andliga fältet: fritänkare som kämpade för religionsfriheten, samt den första vågen av österländsk andlighet som nådde Finland i form av teosofi och antroposofi.

Min studiebakgrund är en kandidatexamen i filosofi och en magisterexamen i historia, båda vid Helsingfors universitet. Till mina andra intressen hör religionsvetenskap, konsthistoria och italienska.

Jag gillar att dansa salsa, läsa allt möjligt (för tillfället Pratchetts Soul Music), lata mig hemma med min katt och man, lyssna på bl.a. Leonard Cohen och se på Montalbano. Dessutom intalar jag mig att jag joggar regelbundet.


Fanny Johansson: My name is Fanny and I am in my second year of my doctoral studies at the Doctoral Programme for History and Cultural Studies. My research is focused on the effects of theology and religion on the visual language in church decoration in mid-17th century Rome. I got my MA in Art History from the University of Aberdeen. When I’m not working or in the library I enjoy sailing, travelling and my collection of Moomin-mugs.

4 September 2015:

Presentation of board members continues:

To get to know us and the association a little better we decided to tell you, members of the PhD association, who we in the board are.

Together we are 9 persons who all have at least one thing in common – a big dream of gaining still one more title, Doctor of Philosophy/Science/Medicine… A bunch of different mother tongues and nationalities are also things that describe the group.


But let me introduce you our second member, the most active lady of the board, Sonja Trifuljesko!

I am a doctoral candidate in the Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, with Social and Cultural Anthropology being my major. I have started my PhD studies at the University of Helsinki in the autumn of 2013, after completing my MA studies in Ethnology and Anthropology (2011) and in Art History (2008) at the University of Belgrade. My doctoral project investigates contemporary university transformations by specifically focusing on the intersection of ‘internationalization’ and doctoral education at the University of Helsinki.

Thus, I serve in this board as a ‘doctoral education coordinator’. In addition to that, I am also a secretary of Tsemppi (an association of international students at the University of Helsinki), a vice-chair of the Tsemppi group in the Representative Council of the Student Union, and a deputy member there.

Yes, you got that right – no leisure activities whatsoever at the moment. :)

Sonja Trifuljesko
.Sonja Trifuljesko

2 September 2015:

To get to know us and the association a little better we decided to tell you, members of the PhD association, who we in the board are. Together we are 9 persons who all have at least one thing in common – a big dream of gaining still one more title, Doctor of Philosophy/Science/Medicine… A bunch of different mother tongues is also one thing that describes the group. But, let´s start with our chairperson. Now without a picture, but that will be changed in the near future :) 

Let me introduce you Tommi Tenkanen, the chairperson of the Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki:

Hi all! I am a doctoral student in the Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences. My major is theoretical physics and I study how dark matter was generated in the early universe. I took my MSc in the end of 2013 and started as a doctoral student in the beginning of 2014. I am expecting to graduate some time next year. I am also a member of the ‘Iso pyörä’ university degree renovation project group and a member of the board of the Finnish Physical Society.

Hei! Olen tohtorikoulutettava Hiukkasfysiikan ja maailmankaikkeuden tutkimuksen tohtoriohjelmassa. Pääaineeni on teoreettinen fysiikka ja tutkin kuinka pimeää ainetta syntyi varhaisessa maailmankaikkeudessa. Valmistuin maisteriksi loppuvuodesta 2013 ja aloitin jatko-opintoni vuoden 2014 alussa. Odotan valmistuvani ensi vuoden aikana. Toimin lisäksi Iso pyörä -tutkinnonuudistuksen projektiryhmässä ja Suomen Fyysikkoseuran hallituksen jäsenenä.”

Tomorrow we´ll meet a new person. Who will that be…..?


New board member!

New board member: Welcome Fanny!

As Essi is leaving the board of the Association and her duty as treasurer, we are happy to welcome Fanny Johansson as a new board member and Merli Lahtinen as the new treasurer. Fanny is a doctoral student at the Department of History, Philosophy, Culture and Art Studies and was accepted to the board during the extraordinary general meeting of the Association that took place last Friday, June 5th.

New board member!

New board member: Welcome Fanny!

As Essi is leaving the board of the Association and her duty as treasurer, we are happy to welcome Fanny Johansson as a new board member and Merli Lahtinen as the new treasurer. Fanny is a doctoral student at the Department of History, Philosophy, Culture and Art Studies and was accepted to the board during the extraordinary general meeting of the Association that took place last Friday, June 5th.

HUOM! Mielenosoitus huomenna maanantaina 15.6. klo16!

Jatko-opiskelijoiden yhdistyksemme ottaa osaa huomenna maanantaina mielenosoitukseen, jossa vastustetaan tulevia, kaavailtuja leikkauksia koulutukseen kaikilla koulutusasteilla Suomessa. Leikkaukset tulevat siis vaikuttamaan sekä lapsiin, nuoriin että aikuisiin koululaisiin sekä koulutuksen parissa työskenteleviin.

Olet lämpimästi tervetullut joukkoomme Kansalaistorille klo 16 alkaen.


Lisää tietoa löydät tapahtuman Facebook-sivulta:


HUOM! Mielenosoitus huomenna maanantaina 15.6. klo16!

Jatko-opiskelijoiden yhdistyksemme ottaa osaa huomenna maanantaina mielenosoitukseen, jossa vastustetaan tulevia, kaavailtuja leikkauksia koulutukseen kaikilla koulutusasteilla Suomessa. Leikkaukset tulevat siis vaikuttamaan sekä lapsiin, nuoriin että aikuisiin koululaisiin sekä koulutuksen parissa työskenteleviin.

Olet lämpimästi tervetullut joukkoomme Kansalaistorille klo 16 alkaen.


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