Dear all! The Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki takes part into the demonstration about cutting the financial aids for students in Finland. The cuttings will mostly have an impact on undergrads, but they will surely have an impact also on us PhDs (and pupils at primary school level, secondary level students etc…).

You are all very warmly welcome to join us On Monday at 4pm outside the Musiikkitalo, at Kansalaistori

(See the text in the Facebook-event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/1650570538513040/)

Tervetuloa, Fanny ja Merli!

Essin jättäessä yhdistyksen hallituksen ja tehtävänsä yhdistyksen taloudenhoitajana pääsemme toivottamaan sekä uuden hallituksen jäsenen Fanny Johanssonin että yhdistyksen uuden taloudenhoitajan Merli Lahtisen lämpimästi tervetulleiksi! Hallitus kiittää myös Essiä palveluksista yhdistyksen hyväksi.

Uusi hallituksen jäsen Fanny on tohtorikoulutettava Filosofian, historian, kulttuurin ja taiteiden tutkimuksen laitoksella. Hänet valittiin hallituksen jäseneksi yhdistyksen ylimääräisessä kokouksessa viime viikon perjantaina 5.6. Merli on tohtorikoulutettava Fysiikan laitoksella.

New board member: Welcome Fanny!

As Essi is leaving the board of the Association and her duty as treasurer, we are happy to welcome Fanny Johansson as a new board member and Merli Lahtinen as the new treasurer. Fanny is a doctoral student at the Department of History, Philosophy, Culture and Art Studies and was accepted to the board during the extraordinary general meeting of the Association that took place last Friday, June 5th.

Association’s anniversary – June 12th 17:00 – Seurasaari

On  Friday 12th of June, we will gather in Seurasaari to celebrate the first anniversary of our Association. We will meet in the public grill place starting at 17:00.

For the ones who have already replied to the doodle, no need to register anymore but for others, you can always let us know through the Facebook event if you will attend.
The Association will provide some refreshments and things to grill but please bring your own things if you are going to be terribly hungry or if you want meat. We thought of offering cheese to grill and some red wine as well as non-alcoholic beverages.

Extraordinary meeting of the Association on Friday 5th of June, 5.30 pm

The Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki will organize an extraordinary general meeting on Friday 5th of June, 5.30 pm, in meeting room Kvantti (Physicum, 2nd floor, corridor C) located in Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a.

The agenda consists of admitting the resignation of a board member and electing a new board member. According to the bylaws of the Association, the meeting shall be conducted in English but every member has a right to use either Finnish, Swedish or English in the meeting.

The members of the Association are most cordially invited to take part both in the general meeting and in the board meeting which starts right after the general meeting.