Call for applications: PhD representative for DP in Philosophy, arts and Society

HYVÄT is looking for a PhD student representative for the Doctoral Programme in Philosophy, arts and Society (FTY) for the term 2020-2021. Being a student representative is a rewarding experience on many levels and an opportunity to improve the doctoral education near you.

Apply by sending a freely formed application to the HYVÄT board ( at latest on Sun Feb 16th. You have to be enrolled in the programme to be eligible to apply. Also, it is desirable that the representatives are present in Helsinki at least most of the term.

Hae väitöskirjatutkijoiden edustajaksi Filosofian, taiteiden ja yhteiskunnan

HYVÄT etsii väitöskirjatutkijoiden edustajaa Filosofian, taiteiden ja yhteiskunnan (FTY) kaudelle 2020-2021. Edustajana toimiminen on palkitseva kokekus monilla tavoin ja hieno mahdollisuus vaikuttaa tohtorikoulutukseen lähelläsi.

Hae edustajaksi lähettämällä hakemuksesi HYVÄTin hallitukselle ( viimeistään sunnuntaina 16.2. Sinun on oltava kirjoilla kyseisessä tohtoriohjelmassa voidaksesi hakea paikkaa. On mylskin toivottavaa, että edustajat ovat tavoitettavissa Helsingissä ainakin suurimman osan kaudesta.

PhD representative seminar 2020

To kick off the advocacy work for 2020, HYVÄT organized an introductory seminar for the newly elected PhD representatives at thesteering groups od Doctoral Programmes, Schools and a few other boards of the university.

You can find the full programme of the seminar in the skeleton presentation: Representative seminar 2020

HYVÄT chair Tommi Mäklin introducing the association for rht representatives

The seminar was started by introducing the representatives to HYVÄT and by asking their expectations for the following two year period. Here are results:

Next, we had Jenna Sorjonen from the Student  Union HYY explaining the “legal” part of working witht the university administration: HYVÄT 15.1.2020 PhD Representatives

In the following panel discussion, there were four previous representatives talking about their experiences in the task:

  • Julia von Boguslawski (Steering group of doctoral education, HYMY)
  • Elina Pietilä (Doctoral School steering group, DSHealth)
  • Mridul Johari (Doctoral Programme steering group, ILS/DSHealth)
  • Krista Longi (Doctoral Programme steering group, DOCS/DONASCI)

Unfortunately we did not record the conversation, but to summarize, the take-home message was that the representatives should seek to communicate with each other and with the people they represent as mych as possible – both in formal meetings and in informal corridoor discussions.

The panel discussion was followed by the newly elected representative in the Steering Group of Doctoral Education, Joni Ollonen stating his goals for the election period: Joni_Ollonen_Goals_for_this_2-year_period

And finally, the representatives were grouped by their Doctoral School in order to discuss their possible common goals and ways of communication.

HYVÄT board 2020 elected

In the Autumn General meeting on Tue 26th of October 2019, members of HYVÄT elected the board to handle the association’s actions in 2020.

Chairperson: Tommi Mäklin

Other board members (roles to be decided later):
Karina Barreiro
Cecilia Berardo
Ville Jantunen
Huini Li
Joonas Maristo
Jari Rinta-aho
Andrei Rodionov
Anton Saressalo

You can reach them via

Become a member of the HYVÄT board 2020


HYVÄT’s next board will be nominated in the Autumn General Meeting on Tue 26th of November, 18:00-19:00 @ Kattosauna Sivistys (Leppäsuonkatu 11, 3rd floor). To become a board member,  please join the meeting or send your consent/application to if you cannot be there physically. The board members must be regular members of HYVÄT.

HYVÄT General Meeting in 2017

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