Statement on Office Rents

Based on the contract recently made between the University of Helsinki and the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Rector of the University of Helsinki has made a decision which makes it possible to carry office and other rents (laboratory, data communications, postal, printing, library, data and administration services) from grant holders. According to the decision, the faculties and departments could carry annual rents of 1600 euro from grant holders.

The undersigned associations welcome the University’s and foundations’ and funds’ joint endeavour to improve and equalize the status of grant holders. The University’s intention to carry office rents also from those grant holders for whom the foundation is not covering the rent is not, however, acceptable. Therefore the decision aimed at supporting the working conditions of grant holders is negatively affecting the situation of especially the youngest generation of researchers.

The associations are asking how the University assumes its youngest researchers are to become a part of an academic community when their own institution is not supporting their integration and does not adhere on supplying them with personal office space and computers, for instance.

The associations cannot accept that the University is seeing its grant holders solely as expenditures when they are in fact already contributing to the profitability of the University itself through their publications and doctoral theses. An annual rent of 1600 euro is a small amount of money for the University but corresponds to a more than full month income for many young researchers. Because all doctoral students do not have proper funding of either employment or a grant this decision will affect the most vulnerable young researchers the hardest.

The associations wish that the faculties and departments at the University of Helsinki shall not begin to carry the annual rent of 1600 euro from all grant holders but that the University either postpones the execution of the decision until a contract which guarantees sufficient working conditions is made with all foundations and funds or seeks for a whole new solution to the office space question.

Helsingin yliopiston jatko-opiskelijat ry, board
(Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki)

Aallonhuiput ry, board
(Association of Doctoral Students at the Aalto University)

More information:
Tommi Tenkanen
Chairman of the Board
Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki
+358 400 221 427

Rector’s decision (in Finnish)
Attachment to the Rector’s decision (in Finnish)
Contract between the UH and Finnish Cultural Foundation (in Finnish)
Proposition of Council of Finnish Foundations (in Finnish)
The UH uses full-time employment contracts as the primary means of funding doctoral students (Flamma)
The UH will not provide statements of commitment (Flamma)
