Tag Archives: Kinneret Regional Project

Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Floor Showing Menorah Found at Horvat Kur, Israel

For Finnish, click here: Horvat Kurin synagogasta Israelista löytyi antiikinaikainen mosaiikkilattia

A team of scholars and students from the University of Helsinki, including members of the Centres of Excellence ‘Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions’ and ‘Reason and Religious Recognition’has participated in the excavations that have uncovered a partially-preserved colorful mosaic floor in the ancient synagogue at Horvat Kur (Israel) dating to the Byzantine period (4th—7th c. CE).  Continue reading Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Floor Showing Menorah Found at Horvat Kur, Israel

Horvat Kurin synagogasta Israelista löytyi antiikinaikainen mosaiikkilattia

Pohjois-Israelin Galileasta on löytynyt antiikin aikaisen synagogan mosaiikkilattia, jonka piirtokirjoituksessa mainitaan synagogan rakentamista tukenut henkilö sekä tämän isä ja isoisä. Tällaiset rahoittajia esittelevät piirtokirjoitukset olivat yleisiä sekä kreikkalais-roomalaisissa temppeleissä, juutalaisissa synagogissa että kristillisissä kirkoissa. Helsingin yliopiston tutkijoiden löytö onkin yksi todiste juutalaisen ja sitä ympäröineen myöhäisantiikin kulttuurin kosketuksista.  Continue reading Horvat Kurin synagogasta Israelista löytyi antiikinaikainen mosaiikkilattia

Join the Horvat Kur excavation season 2015

by Rick Bonnie and Raimo Hakola

In the years 2010–2014, a team from The Faculty of Theology of the University of Helsinki participated in the excavations of a late antique synagogue at Horvat Kur, Israel. Now, from June 21 to July 17, 2015, excavation will continue and we are searching for volunteers to participate!  Continue reading Join the Horvat Kur excavation season 2015

Horvat Kur 2014 (part 1): no digging, but in the lab

by Rick Bonnie and Raimo Hakola

Two members of CSTT, Raimo Hakola and Rick Bonnie, together with their Helsinki-colleague Ulla Tervahauta, are at the moment participating as team members in the archaeological excavations of Horvat Kur, a hilltop site situated north of the Sea of Galilee (Israel). Unlike previous seasons (2008, 2010–2013), this year no excavations will be conducted at the site. Instead, the research team carries out a two-week study season (June 22–July 6) in the lab at the youth hostel of Karei Deshe, where finds and architecture uncovered in previous seasons are being meticulously analyzed in preparation of the final excavation report of the synagogue. Raimo and Rick write this week in a more general manner about the excavations at Horvat Kur, and will elaborate next week in more detail on the different individual tasks carried out during this study season. Continue reading Horvat Kur 2014 (part 1): no digging, but in the lab