Kansainvälinen kielitieteen nettikilpailu Onling järjestetään pian

Kansainvälinen kielitieteen online-kilpailu, Online Olympiad in Linguistics eli Onling, järjestetään taas! Tänä vuonna kisapäivä on viikon päästä 21. tammikuuta. Ilmoittautuminen kisaan on auki. Kilpailussa on kaksi sarjaa: toisen asteen opiskelijoille sekä jo toiselta asteelta valmistuneille. Lisätietoa alla sekä kilpailun sivuilla.


The 2024 student-run edition of the Online Olympiad in Linguistics will take place on January 21st, from 00:00UTC to 24:00UTC. A participant can begin working on the problems at any time during the contest period. From the moment a participant first sees the test, they will have exactly four hours to work on the problems and type in their answers. (Less time will be available for those who start the test after 20:00UTC.)

Any interested person from any country is welcome to participate. The contest will be offered in two divisions: one for secondary/high school students and one for those who have graduated from secondary/high school. Participants in both divisions will be working on the same problem set. For participation in any division, you need to register.

The test will consist of four problems of varying difficulty. Problems will be similar in format to problems offered at other linguistics competitions. To work comfortably, a laptop or desktop computer will be needed.

During the contest, participants are required to work individually and are not allowed to use any outside help. In particular, any interaction with other people or the Internet (apart from this website) is prohibited. The use of word processors, graphics editors, and spreadsheets is allowed.

During registration you can choose your working language from the following list:

  • English
  • Simplified Chinese
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Thai
  • Ukrainian

If you have any questions, please contact us at info@onling.org or via our Facebook page.


HUOM. Suomen kielitieteen olympialaiset (KiOl) ja Online Olympiad in Linguistics (Onling) ovat kaksi eri kilpailua.