Applied Sociolinguistics: Africa and beyond

Applied Sociolinguistics: Africa and beyond (AAF334), University of Helsinki

WebOodi 405129, 5 cr

Teacher: Professor Ekkehard Wolff (emeritus, Univ. Leipzig)

While African examples are used for illustration, theoretical proposals and methodological considerations make these courses relevant beyond the African context.

Prof. Wolff’s stay in Helsinki is co-sponsored by Helslang. The registration period on Weboodi has ended already, but you can still participate. Simply pitch for the first class (see schedule below)

22.09.-20.10.16 thu 10.00-12.00 PR sl 4 (Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki)

03.11.-15.12.16 thu 10.00-12.00 U38 F205 (Unioninkatu 38, Helsinki)