Ihmiset – Kieli muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa / People – Language in a Changing Society


Johanna Ennser-Kananen, Post-doctoral researcher,
University of Jyväskylä
One strand of my research focuses on what I call “linguistic legitimacy”, the validation and acceptance for linguistic practices which language learners constantly negotiate with their environment. I am especially interested in how this linguistic legitimacy interacts with race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and class. Other strands of my work examine neoliberalism in education, anti-racist education, world/foreign language pedagogy, and language teacher identities. I’m excited to be part of this group and look forward to connecting with you.

Foroogh Haratian, PhD Student in Applied Linguistics, Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä
My study explores religion as cultural and linguistic practice in Middle-Eastern families living in Finland. The study aims to analyse how research participants are constructing their knowledge and understanding of religious and spiritual experiences, and how they are linked with cultural and linguistic practices in everyday lives.
Through linguistic ethnography I study the local and immediate interactions of participants both in family situations and in schools, and consider how these interactions are embedded in wider cultural contexts and social structures, such as migration and integration policy.

Päivi Iikkanen, PhD student in English, University of Jyväskylä
My PhD research focuses on stay-at-home parents of migrant background and the role of language (mainly English and Finnish) in their integration process into Finnish society.  The data consists of interviews with parents of migrant background and family clinic nurses who have been in regular contact with the migrant families. The study focuses on integration and how it relates to language learning and use. I’m also interested in connections between language practices and migrants’ experiences of social inclusion and exclusion.

Esther Leander, PhD Student in Applied Linguistics
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä

My PhD study research discusses and analyses the views of Finnish labor officers on migrants’ Finnish and Swedish languages skills. I intend to find out how the officers/experts verbalize/discuss/describe migrants language skills before migrants’ language evaluation and integration plan interview; during Swedish and Finnish language studies and training and after the expiry of integration period, when all language courses and integration training have been completed. More information about me and my research work. More information about my background.

sari-poyhonenSari Pöyhönen


taina-saarineTaina Saarinen



maiju-strommerMaiju Strömmer




Tamás Péter Szabó
Currently I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Jyväskylä (Department of Teacher Education). The main topics of my interest are the emergence of language ideologies and the co-construction of agency in various education-related discourses. I am especially interested in the management of diversity in institutional settings, especially in physical learning environments (schoolscapes). My data come from Finnish and Hungarian elementary and secondary schools. I defended my PhD thesis in Hungarian linguistics in 2011 in Budapest. I have been working for the University of Jyväskylä since 2013 in various positions (visiting researcher, postdoctoral researcher, senior researcher/Marie Curie fellow). Previously I worked for the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as a researcher (2005–2013) and for the Pázmány Péter Catholic University as a lecturer (2012). As a member of international research networks, I regularly co-organize workshops, colloquia and conferences, and I contribute to publications as author, editor and reviewer.
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