Kursseja / Courses

Tältä sivulta löytyy tietoa Langnet-verkoston kautta tarjolla olevista ja muista kielentutkijalle sopivista kursseista. Seminaareista ja muista kielitieteellisistä tapahtumista löydät tietoa Langnetin tapahtumakalenterista.

Tutustu myös tohtoriopintotarjottimeen, jonka kautta löydät eri yliopistojen tutkijakoulujen järjestämiä kursseja, joita voi opiskella vapaasti.

Neuvottele kurssin sopivuudesta jatko-opintoihisi ohjaajasi kanssa.

Jos tiedossasi on kielentutkijoille sopiva (verkko)kurssi, kerro siitä (ks. yhteystiedot)!


Here you can find courses organised by graduate schools in the Langnet network or other institutions. You can find information about seminars and other linguistic events in Langnet’s event calendar.

Also take a look at the page doctoralcourses.fi, through which you can find courses organized by the graduate schools of different Finnish universities, which you can study freely.

Consult your supervisor and unit about whether the course or workshop you wish to take can be accepted as part of your doctoral degree.

If you know of any (online) courses that are suitable for Langnet members and could be added here, please contact the coordinator (see contact info)!


Writing Discourse and Communication Ethnography
17.-20.9. September 2024
University of Jyväskylä, Finland

This Paper Development Workshop (PDW) is primarily geared toward early career researchers (e.g., postdoctoral fellows) and advanced PhD students who are engaged with studying discourse and communication by using ethnographic approaches and are in the process of writing a research article for an international, peer-reviewed journal based on such research.

To participate in the PDW, we invite you to send the draft of the manuscript for which you would like feedback (a new working paper or a paper that has already undergone a review process) by email to ari.j.kuismin@jyu.fi by June 30, 2024. Notification of acceptance will be sent by July 15, 2024. Please note that if you are accepted to the workshop, you will be asked to send an updated version of the manuscript by September 1, 2024.

More information, see attachment: Discourse hub workshop Fall 2024.


Human Sciences Doctoral Programme (HS-DP) at the University of Oulu will organise the course “Analysing phonetics and prosody in interaction: An introduction” (on 22–23 May 2024).

This two-day course is targeted to doctoral researchers who are interested in the analysis of language, talk and multimodal interaction. In the course, the participants will learn the core concepts and terminology needed for analysing phonetics and prosody. They will also build their skills at ear-training and transcribing of phonetic and prosodic features of talk and language. They will also learn the basics of using Praat for phonetic analysis.

More detailed information about sign-up, the contents of the course and the schedule will be circulated later in the spring.


Tiedeakatemian tuottama Tieteestä päätöksentekoon -kurssimateriaali tarjoaa tietoa tutkimuksen ja päätöksenteon välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta sekä tutkijan erilaisista keinoista tukea tietopohjaista päätöksentekoa. Kurssin sisällöt konkretisoivat vaikuttavuustyötä ja tekevät siitä tutkijoille helpommin lähestyttävää. Kurssin videoissa avataan myös tiedevälittämisen historiaa sekä päätöksentekoprosessien vaiheita.

Materiaali on avoimesti ja maksutta saatavilla Tiedeakatemian verkkosivuilla suomeksi (ja englanniksi).

The Science to Decision-making course material produced by The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters provides information on the interaction between research and decision-making, as well as the researcher’s various ways to support data-based decision-making. The contents of the course concretizes impact work and makes it more approachable for researchers. The videos of the course also reveal the history of science communication and the stages of decision-making processes.

The material is openly and free-of-charge available on the website of The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in English.


Kielentutkimus / Languages & linguistics

Tutkijan taidot / Researcher skills


Menneitä kursseja / Past Events