HYVÄT Autumn Meeting & pikkujoulu get-together on 29 November at 17.00

Welcome to the hybrid HYVÄT Autumn General Meeting on Monday November 29th, starting at 17.00. After the meeting, we will hold a pikkujoulut/get-together for HYVÄT members. The meeting will be held in hybrid format in Ravintola Oiva (Porthaninkatu 5, Helsinki) and in Zoom.

See below the agenda for the Autumn Meeting both in Finnish and English.

After the Autumn Meeting, we will hold a casual get-together at the same place. The get-together will be held in the same place as the Autumn Meeting, in Ravintola Oiva in Kallio.

About the Autumn Meeting and selection of the 2022 HYVÄT board

The Autumn General Meeting is an annual meeting of HYVÄT, where the new board for 2022 will be chosen. If you are interested in board membership, feel free to contact me or phd-board@helsinki.fi. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to be a board member in 2022, please inform me before November 29th and we will elect you to the HYVÄT board at the meeting in absence.

The positions in the board include chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and event coordinator; among others. HYVÄT board essentially decides how the organization operates, what our goals are, and what kind of actions we take to accomplish them / what kind of events we hold, so the workload and commitment for board members and commitment is really up to the board members’ to decide depending on their wishes.

HYVÄT has also traditionally had quite good relations with the doctoral education staff at the University of Helsinki, and HYVÄT board membership provides great opportunities to affect and hear about the direction of doctoral education at the University. If you wish to shape HYVÄT’s future after a few long remote years, this is the perfect time to join the board :)

Agenda for the autumn meeting

General autumn meeting
Time:  November 29th 2020, at 17.00
Physical location: cabinet, Ravintola Oiva, Porthaninkatu 5, Helsinki
Remote location: via Zoom, link has been sent to members via email.

• Opening the meeting
• Legality and quorum
• Approving the agenda
• Election of meeting officials
• Chairperson
• Secretary
• Scrutinizers (2)
• Tellers (2)
• Accepting the action plan for the year 2021
• The joining and membership fees of 2021
• The budget for the year 2021
• Election of the chairperson of the board for 2021
• Election of other board members for 2021 (6-12 people)
• Election of auditors for 2021 (2+2 people)
• Re-election of auditors for 2020 (2 people)
• Financial statement, and auditors’ report from the year 2020
• Approving the financial statement and discharging the accountables from liability
• Other matters
• Closing the meeting

Syyskokouksen esityslista


Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen syyskokous
Aika: 29. marraskuuta 2021, klo 17.00
Fyysinen kokouspaikka: kabinetti, Ravintola Oiva, Porthaninkatu 5, Helsinki
Etäkokouspaikka: Zoomilla, linkki lähetetty jäsenille sähköpostitse.


  • Kokouksen avaus
  • Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  • Asialistan hyväksyminen
  • Kokousvirkailijoiden valinta
  •         • puheenjohtaja
  •         • sihteeri
  •         • pöytäkirjantarkastajat (2 kpl)
  •         • ääntenlaskijat (2 kpl)
  • Vuoden 2021 toimintasuunnitelma
  • Vuoden 2021 liittymis- ja jäsenmaksut
  • Vuoden 2021 talousarvio
  • Vuoden 2021 hallituksen puheenjohtajan valinta
  • Vuoden 2021 hallituksen muiden jäsenten valinta (6-12 hlö)
  • Vuoden 2021 toiminnantarkastajien valinta (2+2 hlö)
  • Toiminnantarkastajien uudelleenvalinta vuodelle 2020 (2 hlö)
  • Tilinpäätös ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto vuodelta 2020
  • Tilinpäätöksen hyväksyminen ja vastuuvapauden myöntäminen
  • Muut esille tulevat asiat
  • Kokouksen päätös

HYVÄT is looking for student representatives for the term 2022-2023

HYVÄT and the University of Helsinki are looking for doctoral student representatives for the Doctoral Programmes and the Doctoral Schools for the term 2022-2023. There are two spots on the steering groups of each Doctoral Program and one spot on the steering groups of each Doctoral School. The results of the call will be published in December 2021.

Being a student representative is a rewarding experience on many levels and an opportunity to improve the doctoral education near you. You do not have to be a board-work professional to apply – interest and willingness are all that is required. We hope that the student representatives are available for the full term and able to attend meetings (roughly 10 per year) but do not be discouraged from applying if you can only serve for part of the term as special elections to fill the spots can always be arranged later on.

Student representatives act as a “voice of the students” in the steering groups. Although this might sound intimidating, the experience of being a doctoral student is enough experience to succeed in the role. The only qualifications are a willingness to participate in the discussion taking place during the steering group meetings. As a student representative you will be an equal member of the group but with the unique qualification of actually being a student.

The role a student representative takes in the program varies highly depending on the interests, skills, and wishes of the particular representative. In addition to representing the interests of the students in the meetings, the representatives can, for example:

  • Hold events to foster community spirit within the doctoral program.
  • Advocate for the students interests outside of the meetings.
  • Act as link between their own doctoral program and the student representatives in other doctoral schools and programs.
  • Bring forward new ideas for improving the quality of the doctoral student experience.

… but all of this is optional and merely a suggestion – you can decide for yourself what your goals and investment will be! And remember, HYVÄT is here to help you if you run into any trouble during your term!

If you are interested in being a student representative for your program, fill in the application here: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/114259/lomake.html The form closes on 26 November 2021 at 23.59, so act quickly!

You can also read about previous representatives experiences on serving as a student representative at the HYVÄT website:


For more information, please email the current HYVÄT chair Tommi Mäklin (contact information at University of Helsinki’s website: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/tommi-m%C3%A4klin)

HYVÄT Spring Meeting 2021

The HYVÄT spring meeting will be held remotely via Zoom on 31st March 2021 at 18.00. As members of HYVÄT, you are warmly invited attend. The spring meeting’s agenda is mandated by the organization’s bylaws, and can be found below in both English and Finnish.

In the meeting it will also be possible to elect new members to the HYVÄT board of 2021 — if you are interested, please contact the HYVÄT chair Tommi Mäklin (tommi.maklin ‘at’ helsinki.fi) before the meeting.

The Zoom meeting information has been sent to the HYVÄT members via email.

HYVÄT Spring Meeting 31 March 2021 at 18.00 agenda

1. Opening the meeting
2. Legitimacy of the meeting
3. Approving the agenda
4. Electing chairperson for the meeting
5. Electing secretary for the meeting
6. Electing two scrutinisers and two tellers for the meeting
7. Annual report, financial statement, and auditors’ report from the year 2020
8. Approving the financial statement and discharging the accountables from liability
9. Electing new board members or officers (possible)
10. Other matters
11. Closing the meeting

HYVÄT ry:n kevätkokous 31.3.2021 klo 18.00, esityslista

1. Kokouksen avaus
2. Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
3. Asialistan hyväksyminen kokouksen työjärjestykseksi
4. Kokouksen puheenjohtajan valinta
5. Kokouksen sihteerin valinta
6. Kahden pöytäkirjantarkistajan ja ääntenlaskijan valinta
7. Toimintakertomus, tilinpäätös ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto vuodelta 2020
8. Tilinpäätöksen hyväksyminen ja vastuuvapauden myöntäminen
9. Uusien hallituksen jäsenten valinta (mahdollinen)
10. Muut esille tulevat asiat
11. Kokouksen päättäminen

HYVÄT board 2021 elected

In the Autumn General meeting on Mon 30th of November 2020, members of HYVÄT elected the board to handle the association’s actions in 2021.

Chairperson: Tommi Mäklin

Other board members (roles to be decided later):
Karina Barreiro
Cecilia Berardo
Ville Jantunen
Huini Li
Christopher Petrie
Matilda Mela
Salla Eeva

You can reach the HYVÄT board via email at phd-board’@`helsinki.fi

HYVÄT Autumn Meeting 2020 & Remote Christmas Party

Welcome to the HYVÄT Autumn General Meeting on Monday November 30th, starting at 18.00 at Zoom. After the meeting, we will have a remote Christmas Party in the same Zoom meeting, where the results of the Best Supervisor Prize submissions will be announced.
Link to the Zoom meeting will be announced later.

One of the points on the agenda is electing a board for HYVÄT in 2021. We are currently looking for board members to be elected in the meeting. The positions in the board include chairperson, secretary, treasurer and event coordinator among others. Feel free to contact me or phd-board@helsinki.fi for more information about the HYVÄT board, or just show up in the meeting to ask questions. If you cannot attend the meeting yourself, you can also volunteer for a board position even by contacting the HYVÄT board at phd-board@helsinki.fi.

Additionally, the meeting will decide on the Action Plan and Budget of HYVÄT for 2021, so it is a great opportunity to affect on the focal points of what HYVÄT is doing next year.

See below the agenda for the Autumn Meeting both in Finnish and English.

Yhdistyksen sääntömääräinen syyskokous
Aika: 30. marraskuuta 2020, klo 18.00
Paikka: Etäkokous Zoomilla


• Kokouksen avaus
• Kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
• Asialistan hyväksyminen

• Kokousvirkailijoiden valinta

• puheenjohtaja
• sihteeri
• pöytäkirjantarkastajat (2 kpl)
• ääntenlaskijat (2 kpl)
• Vuoden 2021 toimintasuunnitelma
• Vuoden 2021 liittymis- ja jäsenmaksut
• Vuoden 2021 talousarvio
• Vuoden 2021 hallituksen puheenjohtajan valinta
• Vuoden 2021 hallituksen muiden jäsenten valinta (6-12 hlö)
• Vuoden 2021 toiminnantarkastajien valinta (2+2 hlö)
• Muut esille tulevat asiat
• Kokouksen päätös


General autumn meeting
Time:  November 30th 2020, at 18.00
Location: Remote meeting via Zoom


• Opening the meeting
• Legality and quorum
• Approving the agenda

• Election of meeting officials

• Chairperson
• Secretary
• Scrutinizers (2)
• Tellers (2)
• Accepting the action plan for the year 2021
• The joining and membership fees of 2021
• The budget for the year 2021
• Election of the chairperson of the board for 2021
• Election of other board members for 2021 (6-12 people)
• Election of auditors for 2021 (2+2 people)
• Other matters
• Closing the meeting