International tutors for 2023

International Tutors

  1. Your name, year of studies and study track? Who are you tutoring?

Hi! I’m Oosa and I’m starting my fourth year of studies in meteorology. This year I’m tutoring the exchange students.

  1. What was your latest year at university like, was it up to your expectations?

My latest year was as busy as ever. I got to dive deeper into my actual studies in meteorology after the basic courses. I also got to be part of the Kumpula Speksi which was a lot of fun!

  1. Tips or advice for new students in the coming year?

Be brave and try new things! University is the time to learn a lot about yourself and the world around you, so taking part in new things is very important! Also, don’t be afraid to work together on your assignments. It will help you then and in the future!

  1. Fun fact about yourself or something else?

I have touched nuclear fuel

  1. Hi, my name is Pia-Nora Isomäki, but usually people just call me Pia. I’m starting my third year studying the broad-based bachelor’s programme in physics. I’m going to be tutoring exchange students this year!
  2. My last year of studies was fun, but quite challenging. I went to loads of different events and met a lot of amazing people. So in conclusion it was pretty much what I was expecting!
  3. My advice for new people coming this year is try to find a balance between studying and going to events. Try a lot of different things and have a lot of fun!
  4. Koala’s fingerprints are almost identical to humans. Because of this there are even cases where a koala’s fingerprints have confused forensics at crime scenes.

  1. I’m Ida Hassinen, starting my second year of physics studies (still undecided on the study track) 🙂 I’m tutoring the exchange students this year.
  2. My latest year at the university, which was my first, was eventful and full of twists and turns. In most ways it was everything I had expected it to be, but some things were maybe a little different than I would’ve imagined. The most unexpected, and for me the most important thing as well, was learning how important it is to have a good support system and great friends to study with.
  3. Try to enjoy your time at uni and trust that everything will end up working out.
  4. I’m a big christmas person and actually still had my christmas tree up in March!