Trip to Helsinki City Museum

Have you ever pondered how Helsinki looked like a 100 years ago? Would you like to take a peek to an authentic 1950s home? Then join us as ISHA Helsinki goes to explore the Helsinki City Museum! Through a guided tour given in English you get to experience the many sides of Helsinki’s past and immerse yourself to the lives and experiences of bygone generations. Not to be missed!

Facebook event page

WHAT: Helsinki City Museum trip
WHERE: Aleksanterinkatu 16
WHEN: 19th Of April, on Wednesday
WHY: Immerse yourself to the history of Helsinki!
MITÄ: Helsingin kaupunginmuseo-vierailu
MISSÄ: Aleksanterinkatu 16
MILLOIN: Keskiviikkona 19. päivä huhtikuuta
MIKSI: Eläydy Helsingin historiaan!

New badge for ISHA Helsinki

Hello all!
It has come time for ISHA Helsinki to renew our boiler suit badge. Instead of designing the badge within the board we have decided to create a competition to WHICH ALL OF OUR MEMBERS/FOLLOWERS CAN PARTICIPATE! As such you will have time until the 30th of March to create a blueprint ( a drawing should be more than enough) for the new badge and send it to the society’s board. The winner gets to have a surprise present. The board is looking forward to your suggestions!

You can send your ideas to:

Link to the event: New Badge

WHAT: New ISHA boiler suit badge
WHERE: Everywhere
WHEN: From now until the 30th of March
WHY: You get to design a badge that is uniquely your creation!
MITÄ: ISHA:n uusi haalarimerkki
MISSÄ: Kaikkialla
MILLOIN: Aina 30.päivään asti
MIKSI: Pääset suunnittelemaan omannäköisesi haalarimerkin!

ISHA Helsinki: Cheap&Dirty Pub Crawl Vol. XIII

ISHA Helsinki is organizing for the first time this year its legendary Cheap & Dirty Pub Crawl. Come and join ISHA Helsinki as we explore the cheapest and dodgiest pubs and bars in the eastern parts of Helsinki! We will start at Mellunmäki metro station and progress from there to city centre while having a blast!

Cheap&Dirty Pub Crawl

WHAT: ISHA Helsinki Cheap & Dirty Pub Crawl
WHERE: Mellunmäki metro station
WHEN: Thursday the 23rd March at 18.30 pm
WHY: Experience the bars and pubs of East Helsinki in good company!
MITÄ: ISHA Helsinki Cheap & Dirty Pub Crawl
MISSÄ: Mellunmäen metroasema
MILLOIN: Torstaina 23.päivä maaliskuuta klo. 18.30
MIKSI: Koe Itä-Helsingin pubit ja baarit hyvässä seurassa!

ISHA Helsinki Annual Conference

Hello all!
ISHA Helsinki is hosting its Annual Conference in late March. The Annual Conference is a mandatory event where ISHA Helsinki’s next year budget will be decided and approved, alongside the plan of action for the next year. More precise instructions will be given below in Finnish. See you there!


12§ YHDISTYKSEN SÄÄNTÖMÄÄRÄINEN VUOSIKOKOUS Yhdistyksen vuosikokouksessa käsitellään seuraavat asiat:

1. Kokouksen avaus

2. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus.

3. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi (2) pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja kaksi (2) ääntenlaskijaa.

4. Hyväksytään kokouksen esityslista.

5. Esitetään tilinpäätös, vuosikertomus ja toiminnantarkastajien lausunto.

6. Päätetään tilinpäätöksen vahvistamisesta ja vastuuvapauden myöntämisestä.

7. Vahvistetaan toimintasuunnitelma, tulo- ja menoarvio sekä jäsenmaksun suuruus.

8. Käsitellään muut mahdolliset asiat.

9. Kokouksen päättäminen

WHAT: ISHA Helsinki Annual Conference
WHERE: Marx, (3rd floor), New Student House, (Mannerheimintie 5A)
WHEN: March 20th at 18.30
WHY: So that ISHA Helsinki can continue to exist

Movie Night: The Far Right and Fascism


Hello all! ISHA Helsinki is organizing a movie night on the 20th February about Fascism and the Far Right. Join us in Weber, New Student House (3rd floor) at 18.30 if you want to see some classic films/documentaries and enjoy some great company. Should you have any interest in the topic this is an event you do not want to miss!
The films we will be watching are to be announced shortly. They will all be in English/have English subtitles. See You there!

WHAT: Film night
WHERE: Weber, New Student House, 3rd floor
(Mannerheimintie 5A)
WHEN: the 20th of February at 18.30
WHY: To watch movies in great company about a dark but timely topic

Movie Night: The Far Right and Fascism

ISHA Annual Conference: Religion in History

Dear Friends! ISHA Helsinki would like to draw your attention to an upcoming Annual Conference about Religion in History. The event will take place in the city of Eger in Hungary on the 17th-23rd of April. The application period is on the 10th-15th of February so put the dates down on your calendar if you want to attend! ISHA will provide you with more information once the application period starts. Stay tuned!
WHAT: ISHA Annual Conference
WHERE: Eger, Hungary
WHEN: 17th-23rd of April
WHY: Because we love to meet historians from other countries and have fun together!
MITÄ: ISHA Vuosikokous
MISSÄ: Eger, Unkarissa
MILLOIN: Huhtikuun 17-23. päivä
MIKSI: Koska me rakastamme tavata historioitsijoita muista maista ja pitää hauskaa yhdessä!

Here’s a link to the Facebook-event: Annual Conference: Religion in History

Rick Astley’s 51st Birthday party-sitsit

Did you forget to celebrate Rick Astley’s 50th Birthday party last year? Fear not! ISHA Helsinki, together with Polho and Taso, will organize Rick Astley’s 51st Birthday party-sitsit on Monday, February the 6th. Come and join us when we party to the beat of `Never gonna give you up´! And guess what? The sitsit will be an open event so no need to buy tickets!

The sitsit will start at 19.00 but you can join us already by 18.30. The venue will be Alina-hall at the New Student House. After the sitsit we will have a disco where you can party to Rick Astley’s (and other artist’s from the 1980s) music and have a great night out with your friends! See you there!

Unfortunately the venue is not accessible for wheelchairs. If you have any questions regarding the sitsit feel free to contact ISHA Helsinki’s chairman Onni Kari
WHAT: Rick Astley’s 51st Birthday party-sitsit
WHERE: Alina-hall, New Student House, 3rd floor (Mannerheimintie 5 A)
WHEN: February the 6th, starting at 19.00
WHY: Because we all love `Never gonna give you up´ ;)
MITÄ: Rick Astley 51-vuotis synttärisitsit
MISSÄ: Alina-sali, Mannerheimintie 5A, 3.kerros
MILLOIN: maanantaina 6.2. alkaen kello 19.00
MIKSI: Koska kaikki rakastavat `Never gonna give you up´-kappaletta ;)

Rick Astley-event


ISHA Helsinki presents: Blades of Steel MMXVI


Come and experience ISHA Helsinki’s excursion to video gaming history. The highlight of the evening will be Blades of Steel (NES, 1988) tournament.

There is no entrance fee for the tournament. The best players will be awarded with medals.

Previous experience of the game is not required! Anyone can join this tournament. Before starting the tournament, we will have couple of training rounds.

After the tournament, there will probably be a karaoke afterparty.

No registration needed.
Inquiries: Onni Kari,

WHERE: New Student House, 3rd floor, Room Weber
WHEN: 27.12.2016 5pm ->


Tule mukaan kokemaan videopelihistoriaa ISHA Helsingin kanssa. Illan päänumero on Blades of Steel (NES, 1988) -turnaus. Turnaus järjestetään kolmatta kertaa peräkkäin.

Turnaukseen osallistuminen on ilmaista. Parhaat pelaajat tullaan palkitsemaan mitalein.

Aiempaa kokemusta ei vaadita, turnaus on kaikille avoin! Ennen turnauksen aloittamista on mahdollisuus pelin harjoitteluun.

Turnauksen jälkeen todennäköisesti karaokejatkot!

Turnaukseen ei vaadita etukäteisilmoittautumista.
Lisätietoja: Onni Kari,

MISSÄ: Uusi ylioppilastalo, Weber
MILLOIN: 27.12.2016 klo 17 ->



Facebook event

Juusto, viini ja klassikko / Cheese, wine and a classic

It’s time for ISHA Helsinki’s amazing yearly “Cheese, wine and a classic” film night! On December 12th we will gather to Weber, New Student House (3rd floor) at 18.30 to drink wine, eat cheese and watch some classic films. So, whether you are interested in classic cinema or just want to eat cheese and drink wine in good company, this is an event that you don’t want to miss!

ISHA will serve you some wine and cheese for free, but you’d better bring your own as well, since we probably won’t have enough for everybody.

The films we are watching will be announced later.

WHAT: Film night
WHERE: Weber, New Student House, 3rd floor (Mannerheimintie 5 A)
WHEN: December 12th at 18.30
WHY: Free wine, cheese, classic films and great company

Facebook event

ISHA Helsinki City Tour

Welcome to a guided tour with ISHA Helsinki on 1.12. We will begin the tour by the entrance to the main office of the Svenska litteratursällskapet Ritarikatu 5, entrance from the side of Kirkkokatu. The guide from the organisation Svenska litteratursällskapet will meet us there.

The tour guide will tell us about Helsinki before the independence of Finland in 1917 and tells about the different aspects of the city’s history and what it could have looked like if different people had got their say. The tour will take one and a half hours and will start at 14.15 and end around 15.45.

The number of participants is limited to 15 persons so please respond swiftly.

WHAT: Guided city tour
WHERE: Helsinki (start at Ritarikatu 5)
WHEN: December 1st, 14.15 – 15.45

Facebook event: