Seminario “Literature and Migration” en la Universidad de Helsinki el 4 de abril

“Literature and migration / Littérature et migration”

Aika: to 4.4.2019 klo 10.00-18.00
Paikka: Topelia, D112
Osoite: Unioninkatu 38
Järjestäjä: Department of Languages, French and German
Lisätietojen antaja: sabine.kraenker[at], christian.rink[at]


10.00-11.00 Keynote: Daniel Chartier (Université du Québec à Montréal): Imagined territories as a Vector for Literature, Identities and Social Values

11.00-11.30 Kaiju Harinen (Åbo Akademi): Migration et volonté de « devenir blanche » dans les œuvres semi-autobiographiques de Calixthe Beyala et de Ken Bugul (Please note: Slides and follow up discussion in English)

11.30-12.00 Christoph Parry (University of Vaasa): Writing between languages: Hilde Spiels “The Darkened Room”. A Novel among emigrants

12.00-14.00 Lunch break

14.00-15.00 Keynote: Michaël Ferrier (University of Tokyo): The Coral Writers: a new critical theory to understand Literature and Migrations in Japan and else

15.00-15.30 Ana Calvete (University of Helsinki): Postmodern Migrancy in Post-Apocalyptic Si-beria

15.30-16.00 Simo Määttä (University of Helsinki): Discourse of Authenticity: Translating “Mi-grant and Minority Literature”

16.00-16.30 Coffee break

16.30-17.00 Christian Rink (University of Helsinki): Postcolonialism and Contemporary Litera-tures of Migration in German. Urs Widmer’s “Im Kongo”

What differences and similarities in the scientific and societal discourse on literature about migration and literature written by migrants can be seen in France, Canada, Finland and Germany? How do literatures of migration reflect societal change and the different models of assimilation and integration, multiculturalism or transculturalism? And even more interesting: How do literatures of migration take part in the societal discourse on identitis such as nationality, gender and race?

We warmly invite everyone to get an insight on the many forms of literatures of migration and join the discussion!

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