Category Archives: Events

Helsinki Lectures on Intersubjectivity: “Social sciences meet biblical studies”

CSTT-member Jutta Jokiranta, team leader of CSTT team 4, will give one of the Helsinki Lectures on Intersubjectivity tomorrow (Fri March 11), which are organised by the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Intersubjectivity in Interaction. Her lecture is entitled:

Social sciences meet biblical studies: Conversations with social identity and magical agency Continue reading Helsinki Lectures on Intersubjectivity: “Social sciences meet biblical studies”

Tutkimus valottaa sodan ja rauhan kysymyksiä

Huippuyksikössä tehtävä työ oli jälleen keskeisesti esillä Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran (SES) vuosittain järjestämässä Eksegeettisessä päivässä. Tämän vuotisen päivän teemana oli ”Sota, rauha ja Raamattu”, ja puolet päivän kuudesta esitelmöitsijästä oli huippuyksikön jäseniä. TT Kirsi Valkama avasi päivän puhumalla piirityssodankäynnistä rautakauden Juudassa, ja aamupäivää jatkoi tohtorikoulutettava Hanna Vanonen pyhää sotaa Raamatussa ja Qumranin kääröissä käsitelleellä esitelmällään. Iltapäivällä PhD Jason Silverman käsitteli sodan ja rauhan kysymyksiä persialaisaikana.  Continue reading Tutkimus valottaa sodan ja rauhan kysymyksiä

Workshop: “Kings and Power: Exploring Jewish Texts in their Hellenistic Contexts”

A workshop at the University of Helsinki, 3-4 December, 2016 

Keynote speakers:
>  Prof. Katell Berthelot (CNRS, France)
>  Prof. Joan Taylor (King’s College London, UK)

The goal of the workshop is to contribute to the discussion what was Hellenistic Judaism. The presentations of the meeting will contextualize Jewish texts dealing with kingship and power taking into account that Judaism and Hellenism are not two separate entities; rather, Jewish texts were written within their various Hellenistic contexts. The plural “Hellenistic contexts” highlights the numerous forms that Judaism took in the late second temple period.

More information to follow about the call for papers during the summer 2016.

The workshop is organized by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence “Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions” (

Call for Papers: “The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine” (Helsinki, 22-24 Sept 2016)

The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine:  Current Issues and Emerging Trends
22–24 September 2016, University of Helsinki

*Feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested*

CFP Synagogue conferenceThe study of synagogues in ancient Palestine is flourishing more than ever. In the last decade at least four synagogues — one from the Late Second Temple-period (Magdala) and three dating to Late Antiquity (Kh. Wadi Hamam, Horvat Kur, Huqoq) — have been exposed by different archaeological expeditions. There is a thriving debate among scholars regarding the functioning and significance of these buildings within the Jewish communities of Palestine. Another continuing debate among archaeologists is the identification and dating of the exposed architectural remains. The excavations of the three above-mentioned late-antique synagogues have exposed richly decorated mosaic floors, which has added to our knowledge of the development of Jewish art. The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine. Current Issues and Emerging Trends provides an opportunity for scholars working on synagogues to discuss current issues in the field.
Four keynote speakers are confirmed: Jodi Magness is Kenan Distinguished Professor for Teaching Excellence in Early Judaism, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and director of the Huqoq excavations. Karen Stern Gabbay is Assistant Professor of History, Brooklyn College, and specialized in the cultural identity and material culture of Jewish population in the Greco-Roman world. Zeev Weiss is Eleazar L. Sukenik Professor of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and director of the Sepphoris excavations. Jürgen Zangenberg holds the Chair for History and Culture of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, Leiden University, and is director of the Horvat Kur excavations.

We invite papers that evaluate and integrate both textual and archaeological approaches to the synagogue in ancient Palestine and discuss some of the following issues in synagogue studies: The origins and development of synagogue(s); Questions of dating; Archaeology of Galilean and Judean synagogues including the most recent archaeological findings; Synagogue art and architecture; The synagogue within the Jewish community; Synagogues and Christian communities; Methodology; The history of synagogue research in the context of the early modern and current political situation. We encourage also papers from doctoral students.

Please send your abstract of 250–400 words, along with your name, institution, e-mail and tentative title, by Tuesday 15 March 2016 to Rick Bonnie,

The conference will be held at the University of Helsinki, 22–24 September 2016. There is no registration fee, but participants must cover their own travel and accommodation costs. The conference is organized by Rick Bonnie, Raimo Hakola, and Ulla Tervahauta, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki.

The conference is funded by the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions and the Centre of Excellence in Reason and Religious Recognition, both Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki. The conference is organized in co-operation with the Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East.

CSTT contributions at SBL and ASOR Annual Meetings 2015, Atlanta

It is once again time for scholars of religion to start planning their personal schedules for ”the largest gathering of scholars interested in the study of religion in the world”. This year, the combined annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religions takes place November 21–24 in Atlanta (Georgia, USA). Continue reading CSTT contributions at SBL and ASOR Annual Meetings 2015, Atlanta

Faces From The Past: Ancient Near Eastern Figurines

On September 17-18 2015, a colloquium on Ancient Near Eastern Figurines took place in the old city of Tallinn (see programme). It was focused on the figurines of Iron Age Palestine and Transjordan, aiming to bring together scholars who study clay figurines from different periods and parts of the southern Levant. Continue reading Faces From The Past: Ancient Near Eastern Figurines