ISHA Summer Seminar in Prague – Applications are open!

ISHA International is organizing ISHA Summer Seminar in Prague, Czechia from 17 to 20 of August 2023. 

The application period is open between the 5th-18th of June. Applicants have to submit a motivation letter (150-300 words), a top 2 of the workshops they would like to participate in. Applicants provide a detailed abstract of the topic they would like to develop and present in each workshop (circa 300-500 words) . Acceptance letters are mailed out in the start of July the latst.

More information on ISHA International Web page:

Summer Seminar 2023

ISHA Spring Meetup – sign-up for the meetup now!

Sign-up for the spring meeting now! Ilmoittaudu nyt ISHAn kevät meetuppiin!
The form is available here:

Have you missed ISHA events and people? Would you like to meet some new ISHA people at a bigger ISHA event and travel to Helsinki without the stress of attending an academic programme? ISHA Helsinki is organising an ISHA Spring meetup in late April and early May – you get to meet the local ISHA people, our international visitors and experience the wonderful student atmosphere during the 1st of May (“vappu”) celebrations. Prepare yourself to take part in many spring celebrations and picnics no matter what the weather will be!
If you wish to join the ISHA Meetup from outside Helsinki, please let us know via the form (released later in March) so we have an approximate number of attendees for the events we’ll organise for the event time. Note that you don’t have to attend the ISHA Spring Meetup for the whole event time and you can just stop by for a couple of days or stay even longer if you like. Please inform us about your travel plans and how long you are planning to stay in Helsinki and we’ll give you tips on what to do in Helsinki!
We can help you with organising your accommodation, but keep in mind you will have to pay for the accommodation and (at least the majority) of the foods yourselves. We will provide more information on the events and organisation closer to the start of the ISHA Meetup after we know how many people will be attending.
We hope this time ISHA Helsinki’s efforts to organise something physically won’t be ruined by the pandemic and we get to finally see you – older ISHA people and new – and show you around in Helsinki!

Regarding the accommodation, there are two options and we will make a decision on them once we know how many people are joining the event: 

  1. Depending on the number of attendees, we might make a group reservation to a hostel. In that case, we would ask the attendees of the event to pay us a fee that would cover the accommodation and some other activities if it makes sense to make more group reservations. The estimated ”event fee” would then be around 50-100e depending on the accommodation and number of people.
  2. Alternatively, if group reservations is not a feasible option, we can recommend to everyone a place where you can independently book your stay. 
Additional costs paid by the event attendees would be, for example, foods/meals, a public transportation ticket (e.g. 3 days/16e; 4 days/20e), an optional day trip to Tallinn on the 29th April (around 10e).
Oletko kaivannut ISHA tapahtumia ja ishalaisia? Haluaisitko tavata uusia ishalaisia ja osallistua suurempaan ISHA-tapahtumaan ilman stressiä osallistumisesta akateemiseen ohjelmaan? ISHA Helsinki järjestää tänä keväänä huhti-toukokuussa ISHA kevät meetupin, jossa voit tavata paikallisia ishalaisia, kansainvälisiä ishatovereita ja samalla kokea huikeaa opiskelijatunnelmaa vappujuhlien lomassa. Valmistaudu osallistumaan useisiin vapputapahtumiin ja piknikeihin säästä riippumatta!
Jos olet osallistumassa ISHA Meetupiin Helsingin ulkopuolelta, ilmoitathan siitä meille lomakkeen kautta (julkaistaan maaliskuun lopulla), jotta tiedämme suunnilleen, kuinka monta osallistujaa järjestämiimme vapunajan tapahtumiinne olisi osallistumassa. Huomioithan myös, että sinun ei välttämättä tarvitse osallistua ISHA Meetupiin koko tapahtuman ajan, vaan voit myös piipahtaa parin päivän ajan tai vierailla myös pidempään, jos haluat. Ilmoitathan matkustussuunnitelmistasi and kuinka kauan aiot viipyä Helsingissä – me annamme sinulle vinkkejä mitä tehdä tapahtumiemme ulkopuolella!
Me voimme auttaa majoituksesi järjestämisessä, mutta huomioithan, että majoituksen sekä (suurimman osan) ruoista maksat itse. Me annamme lisää infoa tapahtumista ja ISHA Meetupin organisaatiosta lähempänä tapahtuman alkua, kun tiedämme kuinka monta ihmistä olisi osallistumassa. Riippuen osallistujamäärästä, voimme tehdä ryhmävarauksen hostelliin. Tässä tapauksessa osallistujat maksavat ISHA Helsingille ns. osallistumismaksun, jolla rahoitetaan majoitus ja muut mahdolliset ryhmävaraukset. Arvioitu maksun summa on noin 50-100e riippuen majoituksesta ja osallistujamäärästä. Osallistujalle itselleen jäävät kulut ovat muun muassa ruokakulut, julkisen liikenteen liput (esim. 3vrk/16e), mahdollinen päiväretki Tallinnaan 29.huhtikuuta (n.10e).
Toivotaan, että tällä kertaa ISHA Helsinki pystyy järjestämään jotain livenä, eikä pandemia pilaa yritystä taas. Toivottavasti näemme sinut ja useita muita – sekä uusia että vanhoja – ishalaisia Helsingissä ja ISHA Meetupissa!
During our meetup and events, we will follow the Safer Space guidelines by Kannunvalajat:…/1RD5M5zjcefLyvB0C3BxxyQSbcS…/edit…
We will inform you about the event venues and their accessibility later.
In addition, we follow the Code of Conduct of ISHA International:…/isha-code…

Afternoon Tea Talk: 2nd Edition on the 21st February

Our next event will be an online Afternoon Tea Talk: 2nd Edition!
We invite students to spend a lazy hang out afternoon with ISHA Helsinki while enjoying tea and other refreshments that you might have at hand.
You are free to discuss anything as long as it’s not directly about the current global plague. Talk about your pets, family, friends, gossip and drama, movies, TV, and music – please, anything but c*vid!
Besides old friends we are hoping to meet new students interested in international or historic matters! Or just students keen on tea and snacks.
What more is there to say?
WHAT: Chill banter and hanging with refreshments you have at hand
WHEN: Sunday 21st of February, 5pm (ECT)
FOR: Students interested in making international friends and laid-back socialising
And: No C*vid talk!
We will post the link on the day of the event on Facebook and our website!

See the Facebook event here:

on the 7th of Nov: The Past 30 Years of the Nordics -quiz and other games

The plans for celebrating ISHA Helsinki’s 30th Anniversary got disturbed by the epidemic so we figured out an alternative way to celebrate the birthday! We will organise a quiz on the theme “The Past 30 Years of the Nordics”, which is quite self-explanatory and will be concentrating on questions about events and topics of the past 30 years in the Nordic countries. So be prepared to test your knowledge related to geography, history, politics, scandals, and popular culture of the Nordics!
You can take part in the quiz either by yourself or in groups of maximum of 3 people. We will provide you with a questionnaire at the beginning of the quiz where you will write your answers. The winner(s) of the quiz will get eternal glory and virtual hugs and kisses from the organisers!
After the quiz, we can continue our Zoom hangout and play other online-games together if participants are feeling it.
We will provide the link for Zoom on the day of the event on the Facebook event and add it here on our website as well. See you on the 7th of the November!!
Link to the Zoom:
WHAT: A quiz and online games!!
WHERE: Zoom!
WHEN: 7th November, 7pm (Finland time is UTC+2, so check your time zones!;))
WHY: Who doesn’t love quizzes and games with awesome people!



Summer Seminar 2017 – Historical Consciousness

For descriptions of the workshops, please see below:

The 2017 ISHA summer seminar offers the following workshops, each of which seeks to attract approximately eight participants:

  1. Historical Consciousness in Education
  2. Historical Consciousness in Culture and Media
  3. Historical Consciousness in Place
  4. Historical Consciousness in Politics
  5. PhD Workshop


  1. Historical Consciousness in Education

Workshop leaders: Johanna Norppa & Tanja Taivalantti
Email: johanna.norppa(at); tanja.taivalantti(at)

Children are hardly blank slates as they begin to study history in school. They bring with them to the classroom both true and false historical preconceptions absorbed from their family, friends, books, games, etc. Strong preconceptions have a studied tendency to withstand the cognitive dissonance brought on by opposing facts, dismissing or distorting the lesson’s message rather than being replaced by new information. To overcome this, students need to become aware of the dissonance and make a conscious decision to abandon their erroneous preconception.

On the other hand, schools are among the most important builders of historical consciousness, the shaping of which is one of their stated goals. Since there are always political aspects to historical consciousness, on what level of decision making should the more controversial details of historical subject matter be decided, and how far should schools go in their aims of producing good citizens by way of affecting their historical consciousness?

  1. Historical Consciousness in Culture and Media

Workshop leaders: Miran Hamidulla & Petri Savolainen
Email: miran.hamidulla(at); petri.r.savolainen(at)

Historical fiction, though often presented as fact, has probably been the most important shaper of historical consciousness since the dawn of tribal myths, through Homer and Shakespeare and down to Downton Abbey. Yet all such fiction has some basis in facts, from which it draws its verisimilitude. This intermingling of history and story, transmitted, re-interpreted and repeated through various media over time, is the essence of what may be called historical culture. In this workshop, we may explore practically any aspect of historical consciousness which is not covered by the other workshops: those which are not connected to education, architecture, or location and are not overtly political. For example, you might make your presentation on the impact of a particular work of culture on the historical consciousness of a specific society, or even of an individual, or you might explore the effect of a whole genre or medium when it first appeared. As long as your point of view has something essentially to do with historical consciousness with regard to culture and/or media, your imagination is the limit

  1. Historical Consciousness in Place

Workshop leaders: Ted Hellsten & Atte Koreneff
Email: ted.hellsten(at); atte.koroneff(at)

Historical consciousness affects and is affected by places, whether on the scale of a room, a building, a city, a region or a country. Names, those of streets, for example, change over time according to the wants and needs of the rulers and of the people and carry a memory of these. Buildings and monuments represent the eras, ideas and architectural styles that created them, even when they are converted for different purposes.

The use of a historical name of a modern region can bring about traumatic memories and a sense of loss for people who can no longer call it home. One example of this is the former East Prussia, which is nowadays split between Russia, Poland and Lithuania, with the former principal city Königsberg renamed Kaliningrad. The interpretations and historical consciousness of different cities and areas change over time. Different people have different ideas of the meanings of these territories as some fade from the public historical consciousness whereas some remain driven by different actors or monuments dedicated to them. In the USA the remaining symbols of the Confederate states are slowly disappearing from official use due to public outcry, while in the private sphere free speech guarantees that aficionados of “the good ol’ days” will keep them around for the foreseeable future.

  1. Historical Consciousness in Politics

Workshop leaders: Onni Kari & Leonard Wilhelmus
Email: onni.kari(at); leonard.wilhelmus(at)

Historical consciousness forms the basis of all politics. Every political movement, every political ideology is based on some understanding of history. For example, Marxism is built on the assumption that “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” History is used to legitimize one’s own actions and to cast blame on the actions of others. Historical consciousness is always there, whether in the form of official propaganda used by a totalitarian regime, or more casually in everyday political debate.

The importance of historical consciousness seems to be growing and the idea of “the end of history” fading. Political disputes are fueled by historical accusations, by references to history. An obvious example is the rise of the populist right-wing movements across the globe. The opposition to such movements is often articulated in the form of anti-fascism, thus building a historical linkage between the far-right movements of the 1930s and the populists of the current times. The populist right-wing usually denies this linkage: instead, they try to prove that they just want to restore the national democracy and the national borders, which used to be the common sense until lately.


  1. PhD Workshop

Workshop Leaders: Sanna Supponen and Ilkka Kärrylä
Email: sanna.supponen(at); ilkka.karryla(at)

This workshop is designed for PhD students (and Masters students who are planning to apply for a PhD program), and topics don’t have to follow the overall theme of the seminar. During the first part (Wednesday) of the workshop, participants will present current topics or questions in their dissertation work (max. 20min), and discuss them with fellow participants. The presentations can concern for example methodological foundations, source materials, and relevance of the new historical understandings derived from these works. MA students can present their research plan. Abstracts will be required in advance.

The second part of the workshop (Friday) will focus on general challenges during PhD process, such as time managing, writing process, or how to give a good conference presentation. Participants will have advice from the guest speaker and can share their best practices with each other. Exact topic(s) will be decided according to the wishes of the participants.

The aim of the PhD workshop is to get new ideas and views from fellow doctoral students from other fields of history and different countries. This can serve as a cornerstone and prospect of constructive international collaboration among the ISHA alumni members, predominantly its PhD candidates.


ISHA Helsinki & ISHA Turku present: BORDERS, local ISHA seminar

ISHA Helsinki and ISHA Turku co-organise a local weekend-long seminar themed “BORDERS – Diverse Concept of Border in History” 13.–16.11.2014 in Helsinki.

The seminar is open for other ISHA sections as well, but we can only take 15 participants from other countries. Participation fee will be 25 euros (includes meals and accomodition) and the application period is 22.–26.9. More info about the workshops coming this weekend!

For local ISHA people: Seminar is open and free to everybody, but you too have to apply to the workshops later in October. Workshops are optional. No participation fee.

Stay tuned!

ISHA Annual Conference in Budapest 14.–19. April 2014


Huh! ISHA Helsingin uudenvuoden semma on takana, mutta ISHA ei lepää. (Scroll down for english)

ISHA:n 25. kevätkonferenssi järjestetään Budapestissä 14.–19. huhtikuuta kuluvaa vuotta. Tilaisuus on ainutlaatuisen historiallinen, sillä kaikkien rakastama ISHA eli International Students of History Association perustettiin juurikin Budapestissä kohta 24 vuotta sitten! Erityisen tästä konferenssista tekee myös ISHA:n perustajien ja alumnien kokoontuminen yhden pöydän ääreen.

Konferenssin teemana on “Images of the Other: Relations between Western and Central-Eastern Europe in History”. Akateemisen osuuden työpajoja täydentävät erilaiset temaattiset kaupunkikierrokset ja tietenkin perinteiset vapaa-ajan aktiviteetit kuten pubikierros ja Kansallisten juomien juhla (National Drinks Party)!

Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin alkaa 10. helmikuuta ja päättyy 14. helmikuuta. Konferenssiin valitut ilmoitetaan viimeistään 21. helmikuuta. Seminaarimaksu 100 e kattaa majoituksen, ruokailut ja matkat paikan päällä. Seuraa sähköpostilistaasi, lisää infoa tulee lähempänä ilmoittaumisen alkamista.

Alustavan kiinnostuksensa osallistua voi ilmaista osoitteeseen teemu.perhio [ ät ] Lähdetään porukalla Unkariin!

Alla vielä alkuperäinen viesti ISHA Budapestiltä


We heartily invite you to the 25th ISHA Annual Conference in Budapest, taking place from 14 to 19 April 2014!

The topic of the conference is “Images of the Other: Relations between Western and Central-Eastern Europe in History” and the workshops are going to examine a wide variety of its aspects, including but not limited to conflicts, anniversaries, identities, arts, stereotypes, the press and more. The scientific programme will be complemented by guided thematic tours in Budapest, visits to notable scientific and cultural locations as well as well known and anticipated features like the Pub Crawl or the National Food & Drinks Party.

The highlight of this year’s event is the 25th conference ceremony, where the founders of ISHA and former officials, as well as members of the board of patrons will participate in a round-table discussion on the history and future of ISHA, with the opportunity to meet them and other ISHA alumni during a small evening reception.

The application period for the conference starts on Monday, 10 February 2014 at 00:00 CET and ends on Friday, 14 February 2014 at 23:59 CET. The participants list will be published by 21 February 2014 at the latest. The participation fee is €100, which covers accommodation, catering as well as transportation during the week.

Please follow this blog for further details; workshop descriptions and more are coming soon!

If you have any questions, please contact us at or



ISHA Helsinki invites you to celebrate NEW YEAR in an international company! ISHA Helsinki organizes a New Year’s Party as a part of its New Year Seminar. We will first gather on the third floor of the New Student House 18.00->. The evening continues at the Aussie Club after nine o’clock.

WHERE & WHEN: (1) New Student House, Mannerheimintie 5 A, 3rd floor, 1800->. (2) Aussie Club, Vilhonkatu 6.

We will begin to move to the Aussie Club after nine o’clock.



The ISHA New Year Seminar “Violence, Vice and Crime – the Conspicious Aspects of Human Society” will take place in the heart of Helsinki from 30th of December 2013 to 3rd of January 2014. The seminar contains an academic and a social part. More info on


Yhteiskunta-alan korkeakoulutetut ry.

Cheap & Dirty vol VI 20.11.

It’s once again time for ISHA Helsinki’s legendary pub crawl CHEAP & DIRTY (the beer is cheap and the surroundings dirty). Bring yourself and your friends to Kallio around 19 pm – we’ll start our crawl from the front of S-market Sörnäinen. The first bar will be Kultainen Palmu (Vaasankatu 4). You can also join us later if you can’t make it! Just give us a call.

On taas aika ISHA Helsingin legendaarisen CHEAP & DIRTY -baarikierroksen (kalja halpaa ja mestat likasia). Tule ja tuo kaverisi Kallioon klo 19.00, lähdemme kierrokselle Sörnäisten Piritorilta S-marketin edestä. Ensimmäinen baari on Kultainen Palmu (Vaasankatu 4). Mikäli et ehdi aloitukseen, voit liittyä mukaan myöhemminkin – soita ja opastamme!