Mother tongue learning MTL

The aim of the project is to gain knowledge about the actual use of textbooks in classroom interaction. Literacy practices with textbooks are analysed in order to understand the use of a teacher’s professional stock of knowledge in classroom interaction and to make sense of the ways in which students become interested and motivated in pedagogic interaction with the help of textbooks. The focus will be to analyse Mother Tongue and Literature education in Finnish- and Swedish-medium schools in Finland by applying conversation analysis.

With the help of data from Swedish and Finnish classrooms it is possible to trace the differences in literacy practices. Attention will be paid to earlier claims about the differences between girls’ and boys’ motivations. Additional information will be gathered about teachers’ own criteria and external demands for selecting a textbook for use, and new information will be provided about the ways in which new digital textbooks could be designed.

Tainio, Liisa (2011). Gender and the role of text books in Finnish mother tongue and literature classrooms. Plenaariesitelmä. Pohjoismainen äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden didaktiikan konferenssi Skriftpraktiker hos barn och unga. Vaasa, 12.5. 2011.
Tainio, L. (2012). The role of textbooks in Finnish mother tongue and literature classrooms. Teoksessa H. Lehti-Eklund, A. Slotte-Lüttge,  B. Silén ja R. Heilä-Ylikallio  (toim.) Skriftpraktiker hos barn och unga. Rapport från Pedagogiska fakulteten. Åbo Akademi, p. 11-33.
Tainio, L. (2012). Gender in Finnish textbooks for basic education. In Tolonen, T. et al. (eds). Cultural practices and transitions in education. London: Tuffnel Press, p. 211-225.

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