Slavica Helsingiensia 12

Volume Slavica Helsingiensia 12
Author Ahti Nikunlassi
Title Именительный или творительный? Синтаксические прилагательные при полнознаменательных глаголах в русском языке: проблемы выбора падежа.
Description This book is a contribution to the problem of case selection for the predicate adjectives, participles and ordinal numerals in contemporary Russian focusing on sentences where these words are syntactically related to a full lexical verb. The study is based on experimental data provided by a questionnaire with the participation of 169 native speakers. Considerable attention is given to the semantic, syntactic and communicative properties of the verb and the adjective.
Reviewed in Russian Linguistics, 18, 395, 1994; Slavonic and East European Review, 1999, 75(3), pp 501-502.
ISBN 951-45-6396-4
Pages 161
Published Helsinki 1993
Availability Book available
Price EUR 18