Slavica Helsingiensia 19

Volume Slavica Helsingiensia 19 (PDF)
Author Heli Kostov
Title Мифопоэтика Адндрея Платонова в романе Счастливая Москва
Description This dissertation focuses on the mythopoetics of the Soviet writer Andrej Platonov (1899–1951) in his late novel Schastlivaja Moskva (Happy Moscow), written in 1932–1936. The purpose of the work is to reveal the mythopoetic world model in the novel, to characterize the most significant features of Platonov’s mythopoetics and finally, to reconstruct the author’s myth in the novel by placing the novel in the context of Platonov’s oeuvre and Russian literature and culture as a whole.
ISBN 951-45-9628-5 (PDF version: 951-45-9629-3)
ISSN 0780-3281
Pages 325
Published Helsinki 2000
Availability Book available
Price EUR 26