Slavica Helsingiensia 16

Volume Slavica Helsingiensia 16
Editors P. Pesonen, J. Heinonen and G. Obatnin
Title Studia Russica Helsingiensia et Tartuensia V: Модернизм и постмодернизм в русской литературе и культуре
Description This volume contains 35 articles based on the papers presented at the international conference “Modernizm i postmodernizm v russkoi literature i kul’ture” held in Helsinki in 1995 within the frame of so-called Tartu — Helsinki seminar. The range of authors includes world-famous names, as well as young talents, not only from Finland and Estonia but from Russia, the USA, Sweden, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Germany.
Reviewed in Новое Литературное обозрение 26, 1997
ISBN 951-45-7624-1
ISSN 1239-1611
Pages 468
Published Helsinki 1996
Availability Book available
Price EUR 30