Category Archives: Events

Call for papers: “Second Workshop on Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East” (Barcelona, 1-3 Feb 2017)

Group photo of participants in the first meeting in Helsinki, 2014.
Group photo of participants in the first meeting in Helsinki, 2014.

Organisers: Agnès Garcia-Ventura (“Sapienza”, Università degli Studi di Roma / IPOA, Universitat de Barcelona) & Saana Svärd (University of Helsinki)

When and where: IPOA, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), February 1-3 2017

Hosts: IPOA, Universitat de Barcelona / Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions, University of Helsinki Continue reading Call for papers: “Second Workshop on Gender, Methodology and the Ancient Near East” (Barcelona, 1-3 Feb 2017)

Sisälle Septuagintaan -symposium (ke 28.9. – to 29.9.2016)

Ke 28.9. – to 29.9.2016 (Helsingin yliopiston päärakennuksessa)

Sisälle Septuagintaan -symposium on kaikille maailman ensimmäisestä raamatunkäännöksestä kiinnostuneille tarkoitettu kaksipäiväinen tapahtuma. Luvassa on ajankohtaista tietoa Septuagintan kielestä, tutkimuksesta sekä tapauskertomuksia eri kirjoista. Esitelmien pitäjät ovat alan erityisasiantuntijoita professoreista tohtorikoulutettaviin, oman yliopistomme edustajia muutamin kansainvälisin vahvistuksin. Symposiumin päättää Anneli Aejmelaeuksen jäähyväisluento. Continue reading Sisälle Septuagintaan -symposium (ke 28.9. – to 29.9.2016)

CFP: Soisalon-Soininen Symposium on the Septuagint (Helsinki, June 2017)

We are organizing a centennial symposium — Soisalon-Soininen Symposium on the Septuagint — in celebration of the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of our esteemed teacher Professor Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen on 4th June, 2017. Professor Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen did pioneering research on the Septuagint syntax, applying what we call the translation technical method, and was the founding father of Septuagint studies in Finland. The symposium is organised by the courtesy of the Centre of Excellence in Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions (CSTT) funded by the Academy of Finland. The symposium will take place 1-3 June 2017 at the University of Helsinki. The actual symposium will be followed by a small anniversary party on Sunday 4 June at noon.

Keynote speakers are:

JAN JOOSTEN, “Grammar and Style in the Septuagint: On Some Remarkable Uses of Preverbs.”

JAMES K. AITKEN, “Standard Language and the Place of the Septuagint within Koine.”

SILVIA LURAGHI and CHIARA ZANCHI, “New Meanings and Constructions of Prepositions in the Septuagint: a Comparison with Classical and New Testament Greek.”

JOHN A.L. LEE, “Back to the Question of Greek Idiom.”

THEO VAN DER LOUW, “The Dynamics of Segmentation in the Greek Pentateuch.”

RAIJA SOLLAMO, “The Usage of the Article with Nouns Defined by a Nominal Genitive.”

ANNELI AEJMELAEUS, “Translation Technique and the Recensions.”

SEPPO SIPILÄ, “Soisalon-Soininen meets Grice: The Cooperational Principle and the Septuagint Syntax.”

ANSSI VOITILA, “Middle Voice as Depiction of Subject’s Dominion in the Greek Pentateuch.”

We invite proposals for papers to be presented during this symposium. Slots of papers will be 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation, and 10 minutes discussion). The papers should relate to Septuagint syntax, Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen’s research on the topic and / or the Septuagint language as part of the broader development of the Greek language. We ask you to submit your paper proposals with the title and a short abstract not later than 31st October 2016. The papers accepted for presentation will be announced before the end of the year. The symposium webpage ( is now opened.

Paper proposals as well as inquiries concerning the symposium should be sent to Anssi Voitila by e-mail to

Best regards,
Raija Sollamo, Anneli Aejmelaeus, Seppo Sipilä and Anssi Voitila

Continue reading CFP: Soisalon-Soininen Symposium on the Septuagint (Helsinki, June 2017)

CFP: “Kings and Power: Exploring Jewish Texts in their Hellenistic Context” (Helsinki, 3-4 Dec. 2016)

Kings and Power: Exploring Jewish Texts in their Hellenistic Context
A CSTT Workshop in Helsinki, December 3-4, 2016

The Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence “Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions” aims at a more comprehensive understanding of the emergence and influence of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and other ancient Jewish literature within the multicultural milieu of the ancient eastern Mediterranean region. It provides an interdisciplinary approach to cultural, societal, ideological, and material changes in the period when the sacred writings of Judaism were created, transmitted, and continuously transformed. The researchers of the CSTT examine ancient Jewish texts from the point of view of archaeology, sociology, and history of religion, to mention but some of the most influential methodological frameworks. Continue reading CFP: “Kings and Power: Exploring Jewish Texts in their Hellenistic Context” (Helsinki, 3-4 Dec. 2016)

Conference program: “The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine” (Helsinki, Sept 21-24, 2016)

The program for the conference “The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine: Current Issues and Emerging Trends” is now available. The conference will be held from Wednesday 21 September to Saturday 24 September 2016 and includes speakers from Finland, Norway, Russia, the Netherlands, United States, Canada, Israel and Slovakia. Continue reading Conference program: “The Synagogue in Ancient Palestine” (Helsinki, Sept 21-24, 2016)

A Workshop on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Judaism at Trinity College Dublin

Text: Elisa Uusimäki and Sami Yli-Karjanmaa
Photos: Jutta Jokiranta

Three members of the CSTT’s Team 4 – Jutta Jokiranta, Elisa Uusimäki, and Sami Yli-Karjanmaa – travelled to Ireland in the beginning of May in order to foster the co-operation between biblical scholars working at the University of Helsinki and Trinity College of Dublin. Landing to the greenness of Dublin on a sunny day was a most beautiful start for our visit, and the next days of academic activities and college life fulfilled our expectations. Continue reading A Workshop on the Dead Sea Scrolls and Early Judaism at Trinity College Dublin

“Patterns of Change in Literary Development: a Workshop on the Documented Editing of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament”

The event will take place Monday and Tuesday, May 23rd-24th, in the Faculty Hall (Tiedekuntasali), Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki. Continue reading “Patterns of Change in Literary Development: a Workshop on the Documented Editing of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament”

From Sectarianism to Expression of Broader Hellenistic Culture: Some Notes from the Fifth Groningen-Leuven Meeting on the Dead Sea Scrolls

by Hanna Tervanotko

The Groningen–Leuven network of the Dead Sea Scrolls was established in 2012 as an open and informal forum primarily for the scholars of the universities of Groningen and Leuven, to get together frequently to discuss their ongoing work and current developments in the field of the Qumran studies. Soon after the first meeting the gatherings also attracted other colleagues’ attention and we have been happy to welcome numerous visitors. This year, for the first time, we published a call for papers, and about 30 people from all over the world joined to explore the theme of our meeting, “Dead Sea Scrolls and Hellenism.” Continue reading From Sectarianism to Expression of Broader Hellenistic Culture: Some Notes from the Fifth Groningen-Leuven Meeting on the Dead Sea Scrolls

CSTT Annual Meeting 2016: How about changing scholarship?

[See also the CSTT annual meeting photo impression]

By Jutta Jokiranta

CSTT gathered to its third Annual Meeting in Saariselkä, 7-10 April 2016, titled “Change‽”. Before the meeting, participants were asked to pair up with a member from another team and reflect on their research concerning their understanding of change, the levels on which they study change, reasons for change, possibilities to distinguish change from diversity, and changes in scholarship that influence their perception and use of the source materials. This communication task gave an impetus to think of change in terms of agency and how those agencies relate to power and ideology, practice and action, language and symbolism, and production of material culture and media by which all performance, interpretation and politics takes place. The exercise demonstrated how central the communication between the study of material culture and textual studies is in CSTT and how CSTT aims at constructing the bigger picture in this cooperation and interdisciplinary endeavour. Continue reading CSTT Annual Meeting 2016: How about changing scholarship?