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DIME has launched!

SuALT’s cousin project in Denmark, DIME (Digitale Metaldetektorfund/Digital Metal Finds), is since September 20th available online. During its launch day DIME had 6.700 visitors, 289 new users and 760 finds submitted, which tells that this is a true success story from the beginning.


DIME is a database where amateur archaeologists including metal detectorists can register their finds. There are among 4000 metal detectorists in Denmark. The detectorist community can from now on self-record their finds into a digital platform with the help of their mobile phones. DIME is also a tool for researchers and the public. Through DIME people can now see different kind of artefacts and follow where in Denmark they have been found.

DIME is one of the biggest crowd-sourcing and citizen-science projects ever in Danish archaeology. It is a research project between three museums (Moesgaard Museum, Odense City Museums, the Historical Museum of Northern Jutland) and the University of Aarhus in collaboration with the KROGAGERFONDEN Foundation. The project leader Dr Andres Dobat from Aarhus University is also project partner for SuALT.

SuALT goes Lapland

Standing remains from the second World War outside of Vuotso, Sodankylä. Photo: Suzie Thomas / Toisen maailmansodan aikaisia jäänteitä Vuotsossa, Sodankylä. Kuva: Suzie Thomas.

Next week, SuALT members Anna Wessman and Suzie Thomas from the University of Helsinki will be in Finnish Lapland. As well as giving presenting the project, in English and Finnish, at a special public evening in Siida museum on Tuesday 14th August they will be visiting locations such as Inari, Vuotso, Tankavaara and Kolari.

In particular we hope to interview archaeologists, curators and hobbyists on their opinions concerning how the citizen scientist initiative SuALT for recording archaeological objects found by the public should take shape. For example, what kind of material should be recorded? What other features should the database have? Who should be able to access the data it collects?

Contact us on sualt-project@helsinki.fi if you are in northern Lapland from 12-20 August and would be interested in talking to us.

SuALT matkustaa Lappiin

Ensi viikolla SuALTin jäsenet Anna Wessman ja Suzie Thomas Helsingin yliopistosta ovat Suomen Lapissa. SuALT projekti esittäytyy yleisöluennolla suomeksi ja englanniksi Siidan museossa tiistaina 14. elokuuta klo 17-19.

Saamelaismuseo Siida, Inari. Kuva: Creative Commons / The Sami  Museum Siida, Inari. Photo: Creative Commons.

Tämän lisäksi projekti vierailee esimerkiksi Inarissa, Vuotsossa, Tankavaarassa ja Kolarissa. Haluaisimme matkan aikana haastatella erityisesti arkeologeja, museotyöntekijöitä ja harrastajia heidän mielipiteistään siitä, miten SuALT tietokantaa tulisi kehittää yhdessä kansalaisten kanssa. Minkälaista löytömateriaalia tulisi esimerkiksi tallentaa löytötietokantaan? Mitä muita ominaisuuksia tietokannassa pitäisi olla? Kenellä olisi oikeus käyttää tietoja joita kerätään tietokantaan?

Mikäli olet Lapissa 12.-20.8. ja haluat keskustella näistä teemoista, ota yhteyttä sualt-project@helsinki.fi.