Experimentando las actividades del colectivo Retomando Raíces

Redacción: Paola Minoia

Conocimos a los miembros del colectivo de Retomando Raíces, un grupo muy activo de estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades de indígenas, afrocuatorianos y mestizos que comparten experiencias de inclusión e interculturalidad. El grupo está creciendo, ahora cuenta con alrededor de 50 miembros. Lo que escuchamos en la reunión del 10 de mayo, como todos los jueves en su choza de madera ubicada en las instalaciones de la universidad, es su deseo de convertirse en una asociación científica oficialmente reconocida de la universidad. Hasta el momento, durante sus tres años de actividad, se los considera un grupo de apoyo cultural y socialización, mientras que el reconocimiento científico oficial reuniría más apoyo institucional.

Retomando Raíces en la choza; foto: Johanna Hohenthal

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Experiencing the activities of the collective Retomando Raíces

Text by Paola Minoia

We met the members of the collective of Retomando Raíces, a very active group of students from the different nationalities of indigenous, afro-ecuatorians and mestizos sharing experiences of inclusion and interculturalism. The group is growing, now counting around 50 members. What we heard at the meeting of 10 May, like every Thursday in their wooden choza [hut] located in the premises of the university, is that their wish is to become an officially recognized scientific association of the university. So far, during their three years of activity, they are considered a cultural-socializing group, and the official scientific recognition would gather more institutional support.

Retomando Raíces meeting in the traditional choza; photo: Johanna Hohenthal

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New research project has started!

Text by Paola Minoia, Photos by Rosaura Gutierrez

In the end of February, we received delightful news from the Academy of Finland. The Academy had decided to fund our project Goal 4+: Including Eco-cultural Pluralism in Quality Education in Ecuadorian Amazonia. This project expands the Sustainable Development Goal 4, which aims to ensure quality education for all, through an attempt to promote recognition of eco-cultural pluralism and inclusion of indigenous pedagogies as part of quality education in Ecuadorian Amazonia. Continue reading “New research project has started!”