
FOR-286 Simulation of forest growth (5 op)

    • Period II, 1. or 2. year.
    • Esitiedot: Courses ME-205, ME-211 and FOR-211, or similar knowledge are recommended.


After the course the student will:

    • have knowledge of various statistical methods on growth and yield modelling and implications for forestry in Finland, understand the environmental drivers of growth and productivity
    • be able to analyse forest production and the forest carbon cycle using forest and environmental data and models
    • understand the interactions between the carbon cycle, forest growth and climate change
    • understand methods of carbon accounting
    • be familiar with process-based models of forest growth and yield dynamics and understand their advantages and limitations


Concept of productivity in terms of GPP, NPP, stemwood volume and yield assortments. Dependence of growth and productivity on the environment (climate, site), stand structure, age and species; interactions with carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes. Global variability of productivity and temporal variability of production. Models and prediction of productivity and carbon cycle, including soil carbon and carbon accounting. A particular emphasis is on forest stand growth models based on production ecology. Students learn about the key theories underlying the models and about methods to quantify such theories. Implications of different hypotheses are analysed and the applicability of the statistical and process-based models to forest management planning is assessed.


Lecture material, relevant scientific literature assigned in the course and practical exercises. Key piece of literature is: Mäkelä & Valentine. Models of Tree and Dynamics. Springer 2020.


Exam, practicals to be returned as written reports, group work.

Arviointimenetelmät ja -kriteerit

Scale 0-5, assessment based on exam (50%) and individual and group work (50%).


Professori Annamari Laurén ja apulaisprofessori Markku Larjavaara.


Teaching in English.

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