CfP: Special Issue “Education and Socio-environmental Justice in the Pluriverse”

Editors: Paola Minoia, University of Helsinki/Università di Torino & José Castro-Sotomayor, California State University Channel Islands

Expressions of interest in contributing a paper to this special issue for the journal Globalizations are invited in the form of a working title and 600-word abstract of your proposed paper by 10 September 2020, to be submitted by e-mail to and

Abstracts should include paper title, authorship, author affiliation(s) and contact information (including the email addresses of all authors) and keywords (maximum six). Full papers will be invited following a review of submitted abstracts. Authors will be notified of the outcome no later than 30 September 2020. 

The deadline for the submission of full papers will be 30 January 2021. All submissions will be subject to the journal’s normal high standards of peer review. All accepted papers will be published online without delay, with print publication of the special issue to follow.

A lack of involvement of indigenous and other alternative forms of knowledges persists in most national education plans, confining the notion of quality of education within the western ideology of modernization. The comprehensive development project manifested in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposes through the SDG4 an overall engagement on “quality education for all.” The SGD4 endeavors to support social justice by promoting equal access to education for the most deprived groups; however, it does not acknowledge ontological and epistemic diversity around the world and the need to support alternative ways to learn and produce knowledge. Neither does SDG4 contain any reference to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) adopted in 2007, although the role of education to achieve social and environmental justice is not new. At the institutional and international level, the debate around education has become central in the post-2015 development agenda (McCowan, 2016), drawing attention to education institutions such as intercultural universities. Therefore, the implementation of the UNDRIP in consonant with SGD4 goals particularly regarding education needs more scrutiny. Continue reading “CfP: Special Issue “Education and Socio-environmental Justice in the Pluriverse””

The pandemic and the right to inclusive education: identifying participatory design interventions against structural marginality and infrastructural weaknesses

Text and graphics: Nathaly Pinto

The current health emergency – Coronavirus COVID-19 – has affected particularly vulnerable populations such as the Amazonian indigenous peoples. This health emergency has deepened inequalities and adverse socioeconomic conditions, and further hindered access to higher education for Amazonian students, and suspended the enforcement of intercultural education programmes.

In the Amazon region, various structural problems have caused social and educational isolation, such as territorial remoteness, irregular connectivity, poor distribution of goods and services, and low access to computer devices and the Internet. These issues have caused serious impacts on student well-being and education, despite the great efforts of the staff of the Universidad Estatal Amazonica (Amazon State University; UEA, in Spanish).

It is therefore crucial to assess and monitor the effects of the pandemic on students’ conditions and accessibility to education, and to support the university responses to the emergency.

For this purpose, participatory research involving students and the university community, through a methodology supported by creative experiments, critical discussion, and transdisciplinary collaboration, can articulate an approach that encourages representation and involvement, while being sensitive to marginalized contexts in times of crisis. Continue reading “The pandemic and the right to inclusive education: identifying participatory design interventions against structural marginality and infrastructural weaknesses”

Pandemia y derechos de inclusión educativa: Intervenciones de diseño participativo frente a la marginalidad estructural y debilidades infraestructurales

Texto y gráficos: Nathaly Pinto

La emergencia de salud actual —Corona virus COVID-19, afecta con especial fuerza a poblaciones vulnerables como los pueblos indígenas amazónicos, profundizando desigualdades y condiciones socioeconómicas adversas, que dificultan aún más el acceso a la educación superior de estudiantes amazónicos, y el desarrollo de la educación intercultural.

En la Amazonía el aislamiento territorial, irregularidad de la conectividad en la región, la pobreza que afecta la consecusión dispositivos e internet, y la falta de entrada general a bienes y servicios de la sociedad, impactan en el bienestar estudiantil y el acceso a la educación, a pesar de los grandes esfuerzos de la comunidad de la Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA).

Evaluar y dar seguimiento al efecto de la pandemia en el acceso a la educación y la condición de los estudiantes, y apoyar las respuestas universitarias a la emergencia es crucial.

Para esto, desarrollar una investigación participativa con los estudiantes y la comunidad universitaria, a través de una metodología respaldada en experimentos creativos, discusión crítica y colaboración transdisciplinaria, puede articular un enfoque que fomenta la representación y la participación, mientras es sensible a los contextos marginados en tiempos de crisis. Continue reading “Pandemia y derechos de inclusión educativa: Intervenciones de diseño participativo frente a la marginalidad estructural y debilidades infraestructurales”

The Covid-19 health emergency cannot be a justification for making public education pay for the economic crisis

(reposted from ESDLA blog: Special Issue-Covid19)

By Paola Minoia

#NoalRecorte campaign in Ecuador banner. Source: Internet.

Covid-19 is expanding in Ecuador, but even more rapid has been the reaction by the government to restrict certain rights. No one dares to contest the lockdown, one of the strictest worldwide, that forbids the mobility of people from 2 pm until 5 am. However, some restrictions that are involving fundamental rights for the Ecuadorian people, i.e.: education for all, are causing discontent. The focus in this blog post is the right to higher education, especially for the less affluent groups of people who attend public universities. My knowledge of the Universidad Estatal Amazonica (UEA) – since my first visit in 2015, allows me to tell how much the administrative and academic staff of this University, located in the Pastaza province, is committed to serve their students to the best of their possibilities. Continue reading “The Covid-19 health emergency cannot be a justification for making public education pay for the economic crisis”

Covid-19: its consequences in the Ecuadorian Amazonian Region and the right to education

Conversation with Dra. Ruth Arias, Rector of the Universidad Estatal Amazonica.

Paola: How is the situation, Ruth?

Ruth: We have been in quarantine since March 17, when the public emergency was declared. I could sense panic in the population from people’s behaviour, as socioeconomic differences are deepened and plenty of defiances is evident; there also are signs of solidarity and reflection. I think Boaventura de Sousa Santos’s writing, “The vulnerable and discriminated against in the South”, and Silvia Ribeiro from the ETC group, have very good analyzes of the situation many are experiencing.
Continue reading “Covid-19: its consequences in the Ecuadorian Amazonian Region and the right to education”

Covid-19: consecuencias en Pastaza, Ecuador, y derecho a la educación superior

Conversación con la Dra. Ruth Arias, Rectora de la Universidad Estatal Amazonica.

Paola: Como es la situación, Ruth?

Ruth: Estamos en cuarentena desde el 17 de marzo en que se declaró la calamidad pública. En el comportamiento de la gente presiento pánico en la población, se ahondan las diferencias socioeconómicas y se evidencia mucha indisciplina; también hay muestras de solidaridad y reflexión. Pienso que los escritos de Boaventura de Sousa Santos “Los vulnerables y discriminados del Sur” y de Silvia Ribeiro, de ETC tengan muy buenos análisis por la situación que muchos están viviendo. Continue reading “Covid-19: consecuencias en Pastaza, Ecuador, y derecho a la educación superior”

In solidarity with the Ecuadorian people

(Español abajo)

We express our solidarity to all people of Ecuador that are currently suffering for the heavy situation initiated with the package of IMF policies rolled out by Lenin Moreno’s administration. Too many social groups from the low and medium classes will suffer from these policies with further poverty increase, and we understand why they cannot accept them. Unfortunately, the government has not shown any willingness to retract the package and undemocratically, has refused the dialogue with the parties. Instead, the government has responded with the state of exception, after which, the protesters have been met with violent repression and curfew measures. Military forces have entered “peace zones”, targeting especially indigenous protestors. The people of Quito has responded with a night-time cacerolazo (banging pots and pans on the street) as a form of peaceful resistance. The fact that some infiltrated groups have entered in the demonstration to deny its legitimation, cannot be an excuse to devalue this general strike. People ask for social justice. They need more services, no further deprivation and violence!

We want to show they are not alone. Let’s join their calls for support! Continue reading “In solidarity with the Ecuadorian people”

Discussing intercultural education and the Amawtay Wasi project in Quito with indigenous and State representatives, January 2019

Text by Paola Minoia, photograph by Andrés Tapia

Together with the compañeras Ruth, Mayra and compañero Sachachristo (Andrés), we met in Quito, in January 2019, institutional representatives institutions dealing with the new reform on intercultural bilingual education, and the reopening of the intercultural university Amawtay Wasi.

Paola Minoia and Jaime Vargas, president of CONAIE

The president of CONAIE (Confederacion de Nacionalidades Indigenas del Ecuador), Jaime Vargas, told us about his own experiences with indigenous education, as a professor for seven years in his community; and the dreams of a relaunched intercultural bilingual education accessible, flexible and welcoming to all. His talk underlined the contrast between the need of deeper philosophical and pedagogical discussions on education and the pluriverse, and the realities made of heavy negotiations and bureaucratic lengthy procedures that are involved in the relaunch of the intercultural university Amawtay Wasi. Continue reading “Discussing intercultural education and the Amawtay Wasi project in Quito with indigenous and State representatives, January 2019”

Why is Intercultural Bilingual Education important in Ecuador? A short presentation of our Academy-funded project.

Text by Paola Minoia

This is a note from the presentation at the Develop! kick-off seminar organized by the Academy of Finland in Paasitorni Congress Centre, Helsinki 26.11.2018

Our project addresses the problematic relation between formal education and indigenous rights. Education is a fundamental field for cognitive recognition and rights, and this is why indigenous organizations have positioned the goal of intercultural education high in their agenda. Ecuador is a plurinational state, as stated by the 2008 Constitution, which means that all nationalities and ethnic groups have the right to equal representation in the country. Therefore, the main goal of our Academy-funded project is to support the recognition of Amazonian indigenous ecological and cultural knowledges as part of quality education. Continue reading “Why is Intercultural Bilingual Education important in Ecuador? A short presentation of our Academy-funded project.”

Academic networks in Europe on decoloniality

Text and photograph by Paola Minoia

In the meantime, in Europe, the debate on critical interculturality and decoloniality is more and more visible in international networks. For instance, EADI through a working group on Post- and Decolonial Perspectives on Development is engaging more on this line, especially through its webinar series. BISA (British international Studies Association) has also a Colonial/Postcolonial/Decolonial working group. Continue reading “Academic networks in Europe on decoloniality”