Conferencias sobre memoria

Mañana (el martes 20 de abril) sigue el seminario interdisciplinario “History, Memory, Politics” organizada por el Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies:

Finnish historical memory
April 20, Tuesday, 16.00 – 18.00

Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Fabianinkatu 24, seminar room (1st floor to the right)

16.00 – 16.30 – Sirkka Ahonen, Social Memory as an Ethical Project: The Case of the Finnish Civil War 1918
16.30 – 17.00 – Seppo Hentilä, Politics of Memory: The Finnish-German Brotherhood of Arms, 1940-1944
17.00 – 18.00 – Discussion

Sirkka Ahonen is Professor emerita of History and Social Sciences Education at the University of Helsinki. In 2006–2008 she worked as a teacher of history at the United World College in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Her research work covers the domains of history education, historical identity, school politics and history of educational sciences. She is the author of The form of historical knowledge and the adolescent conception of it (1990, dissertation, in Finnish); Clio Sans Uniform. A Study of the Post‑Marxist Transformation of the History Curricula in East Germany and Estonia 1986‑1991 (1992); A No-History Generation. The Reception of History and the Construction of Historical Identity by Young People in the 1990s (1998, in Finnish); Common School – Equality or Uniformity? Equal Educational Opportunity in Finland from Snellman to today (2003, in Finnish). She participated in international research and development projects in the fields of historical consciousness, history education in post-conflict societies and school politics. Her current research deals with the uses of history in post-conflict societies.

Seppo Hentilä is Professor and Chair of Political History at the University of Helsinki. His main research interests include politics of history, political uses of history and the post-War German history. Recently, he has established a research team to examine the disputed political culture of Finland in 1970s (so-called “Finlandization”). His recent publications in German and English include “Treibholz oder Stromschnellenboot? Zur finnischen Erinnerungskultur während des Kalten Krieges”, Vergangenheitspolitik und Erinnerungskultur im Schatten des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Deutschland und Skandinavien seit 1945, ed. R. Bohn, Chr. Cornelissen, K. Chr. Lammers (Essen: Klartext, 2008); “Finland and the two German States: Finland’s German Policy in the Framework of European Détente”, Eastern and Western Europe in the Cod War, 1965-75, ed. W. Loth, G.-H. Soutou (London: Routldedge, 2008); “Maintaining Neutrality between the Two German States: Finland and Divided Germany until 1973”, Contemporary European History 15/4 (2006).

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El miércoles día 12 de mayo dos profesores visitantes, invitados por el área de Literatura general, darán una conferencia en la Universidad de Helsinki (edificio principal, sala 14). A las 13.15 la profesora Irene Kacandes (Dartmouth College) hablará sobre tema de Traumatic Memory in Familial and Cultural Contexts y a las 14.30 el profesor Philippe Carrard (Dartmouth College) dará su conferencia titulado From Life to Text: Toward a Poetics of the Memoir“.

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