Increasing research diversity highlights the importance of responsible researcher evaluation

In recent years, the Research Council of Finland has been a pioneer in developing research assessment towards responsible and qualitative evaluation. For researchers, this cultural change in evaluation has been reflected in, among other things, a reduction in the emphasis on citation metrics and a greater emphasis on qualitative evaluation of research outputs and career paths. What has led to the introduction of responsible and qualitative evaluation, how is it implemented in practice and how will it be further developed? Authors from the Research Council, Kata-Riina Valosaari, Counsellor of Science, and Riitta Maijala, Vice President for Research, address these questions in their article.

Jatka lukemista ”Increasing research diversity highlights the importance of responsible researcher evaluation”

Visibility of publications on the web is enhanced by harvesting of repositories

How are publications posted in institutional repository Helda disseminated around the world? This aspect has not been studied previously, so this blog article looks at this issue with the help of a small random sample. Based on a sample of twelve publications one can establish that publications from the repository are well disseminated into different net services, but there is a lot of variation in indexing related to publication types and service models.

Jatka lukemista ”Visibility of publications on the web is enhanced by harvesting of repositories”

Open science and qualitative research evaluation

”Responsible research evaluation must look past abstract quantitative indicators and examine research in its true context, which requires qualitative research evaluation approaches and methods.” In this blog article, Joona Lehtomäki, a science adviser at the division of strategic research at the Academy of Finland (Research Councils Finland), writes about research evaluation, role of metrics, impact of research, open science and the qualitative turn in research evaluation. Lehtomäki also outlines what would a turn towards more contextualized and qualitative research evaluation mean in practice.

Jatka lukemista ”Open science and qualitative research evaluation”

Better visibility, more impact – and six other advantages of self-archiving

Self-archiving has many kinds of advantages, such as being free of charge and increasing visibility and effectiveness. This article briefly describes the most important advantages of self-archiving. This is the fourth part of Think Open blog’s article series on self-archiving.  [This article was updated in December 8, 2021.]

Jatka lukemista ”Better visibility, more impact – and six other advantages of self-archiving”