What are the features of a good research data policy? University of Helsinki guidelines to be updated this year

The University of Helsinki is currently updating its research data policy. In this Think Open blog post, members of the working group responsible for the update share their views regarding the needs and goals of the new data policy. Their responses indicate that the key goal is for the shared data policy to facilitate the work of researchers in a concrete way, taking the special nature of research fields and research datasets into account. The respondents also agree on the need for clear guidelines and the definition of responsibilities. The importance of services as part of the guidelines is also noted. The UH policy draft is now opened for commentary.

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Where is the help and support for research data management?

The digital environment requires new skills from researchers. For example, a researcher has to understand the complexities of the relevant legislation, or know how to choose suitable IT solutions to keep their data secure. Fortunately, researchers are not left to navigate these issues alone, as we have several services available for data management.

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Umpio provides researchers with a tool for processing sensitive data

The Umpio service is an answer to researchers’ queries about how to process sensitive personal data. The service was developed and tested on during last year, and the service will be further developed. At the moment, Umpio offers a more efficient and lighter solution for storing sensitive data than a dedicated server.

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”Avoimuus on a ja o, ja se vahvistuu koko ajan” – Ari Asmin Open Data Champions -haastattelu

Datan jakamisen on oltava tutkijalle helppoa ja palkitsevaa, jotta avoimuus yleistyisi, toteaa Open Data Champions -tunnustuksella palkittu Ari Asmi. Asmille avoimessa datassa on kysymys tutkijantyön ja -uran edistämisen lisäksi tieteen periaatteiden toteutumisesta: avoimuus on tieteen edellytys. Läpinäkyvyys on erityisen tärkeää, kun tutkimukseen kohdistuu poliittista painetta.

Jatka lukemista ””Avoimuus on a ja o, ja se vahvistuu koko ajan” – Ari Asmin Open Data Champions -haastattelu”