”The whole model for science publishing should be rethought” – researchers share their views on open access publishing

What do the University of Helsinki researchers think about article-processing charges, self-archiving, or open access (OA) publishing? Six researchers answered a short questionnaire and shared their views on open science, both at a general level and by answering several specific questions. In principle, open access (OA) is thought of as important and useful; however, from a practical perspective, there are still some challenges relating to expensive APCs (article processing charges), OA platform statistics, and the complex regulations in publishers’ policies.

Jatka lukemista ””The whole model for science publishing should be rethought” – researchers share their views on open access publishing”

How and why I self-archive – four researchers report their views

Many reasons are given for self-archiving, and self-archivers follow many different practices. We asked four researchers from different disciplines how and why they self-archive their research results. We also asked the researchers about their views on the promotion of self-archiving. This is the seventh part of the Think Open blog’s article series on self-archiving.

Jatka lukemista ”How and why I self-archive – four researchers report their views”

Two-point checklist about self-archiving for University of Helsinki researchers

Does self-archiving of research articles seem difficult or laborious? It’s not. Basically, there is only two things you need to remember about self-archiving at the University of Helsinki (if you want to choose the easiest way). This is the sixth part of Think Open blog’s article series on self-archiving.

Jatka lukemista ”Two-point checklist about self-archiving for University of Helsinki researchers”

Four small steps – how to publish your paper openly in Helda repository

Many researchers would like to publish their articles openly in the University of Helsinki’s digital repository Helda, but don’t know how it happens. No fear, it is not difficult at all! In this blog text we will show you in plain language how everybody can self-archive their articles (publisher’s policies permitting) in few minutes. This is the third part of Think Open blog’s article series on self-archiving. [Updated 28.11.2021]

Jatka lukemista ”Four small steps – how to publish your paper openly in Helda repository”

Minkä version artikkelista voin tallentaa julkaisuarkistoon?

Noin 80 % kustantajista sallii jonkin artikkeliversion tallentamisen julkaisuarkistoon, ja useimmiten se on hyväksytty käsikirjoitusversio eli post-print. Tästä syystä on erittäin tärkeää ottaa talteen viimeinen, vertaisarvioinnin perusteella korjattu käsikirjoitus. Think Open -blogin rinnakkaistallennusta käsittelevän juttusarjan toisen osan aiheena ovat artikkelin eri versiot.

Jatka lukemista ”Minkä version artikkelista voin tallentaa julkaisuarkistoon?”

Rinnakkaistallennus on tutkijalle maksuton tapa toteuttaa avointa julkaisemista

Uusi kirjoitussarja pureutuu rinnakkaistallennukseen eli ”vihreän tien avoimuuteen” (green open access) – sen perusasioihin, hyötyihin ja erityiskysymyksiin. Sarjan avauspostauksessa kerrotaan avoimen julkaisemisen eri muodoista ja siitä, mikä on rinnakkaistallentamisen paikka avoimen julkaisemisen eri vaihtoehtojen kokonaisuudessa.

Jatka lukemista ”Rinnakkaistallennus on tutkijalle maksuton tapa toteuttaa avointa julkaisemista”

Self-archiving is a free way for researchers to carry out open access publishing

The new article series brings self-archiving to its basics, discussing its advantages and presenting special questions. This first post of the series reviews different forms of open access publication and establishes the place of self-archiving among the different alternatives for open access.

Jatka lukemista ”Self-archiving is a free way for researchers to carry out open access publishing”

From research services to open science discussions – a summary of Think Open blog in 2018

This blog post brings together all articles in English published in the Think Open blog last year.  A large number of blog posts dealt with services for researchers, but there was also broader discussions on open science and digitalisation in the blog. The researcher will continue to be at the heart of the Think Open, but what kind of articles you wish to read in 2019?

Jatka lukemista ”From research services to open science discussions – a summary of Think Open blog in 2018”