Mitä me arvostamme tutkijoiden työssä?

Se, mitä me arvostamme tutkijoiden työssä, tulee näkyväksi tutkimuksen arvioinnissa, jonka nojalla tutkijoita palkitaan rahoituksella, työpaikoilla ja ylennyksillä. Mutta miten nykyinen arviointi – tutkimusten julkaiseminen tietyissä julkaisukanavissa – tukee hyvää tutkimusta? Tämä on kysymys, jota Wienin yliopiston fysiikan tiedekunnan apulaisprofessori Toma pohtii kirjoituksessaan, ja hän liittää pohdintansa tutkimuksen arviointia uudistavan Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment -yhteenliittymän (CoARA) tavoitteisiin.

Jatka lukemista ”Mitä me arvostamme tutkijoiden työssä?”

Increasing research diversity highlights the importance of responsible researcher evaluation

In recent years, the Research Council of Finland has been a pioneer in developing research assessment towards responsible and qualitative evaluation. For researchers, this cultural change in evaluation has been reflected in, among other things, a reduction in the emphasis on citation metrics and a greater emphasis on qualitative evaluation of research outputs and career paths. What has led to the introduction of responsible and qualitative evaluation, how is it implemented in practice and how will it be further developed? Authors from the Research Council, Kata-Riina Valosaari, Counsellor of Science, and Riitta Maijala, Vice President for Research, address these questions in their article.

Jatka lukemista ”Increasing research diversity highlights the importance of responsible researcher evaluation”

Overlay journals and online archives: the future of scientific publishing

”There is no reason why the combination of online archives and overlay journals cannot be extended to all disciplines, saving billions of euros a year. This would free up vast resources for research that are currently wasted on commercial publishers’ profits”, writes cosmologist Syksy Räsänen in his article. The path to a more sustainable publishing culture goes through awareness of the current situation and practical solutions. According to Räsänen, non-profit diamond open access publishing – open access with no APCs (article processing charges) – represents a return to the roots of the open access movement.

Jatka lukemista ”Overlay journals and online archives: the future of scientific publishing”