Kansalaistiedettä Helsingin yliopistossa – Löytösampo kokoaa kansalaisten arkeologiset löydöt semanttisessa webissä

Löytösampo-portaali helpottaa kansalaisten osallistumista arkeologisten löytöjen keräämiseen, madaltaa kynnystä datan tutkimiseen digitaalisten ihmistieteiden menetelmillä ja auttaa julkaisemaan aineistoja ja niiden analysointiin liittyviä työkaluja avoimesti verkossa. Löytösampo on osa laajempaa avointa Sampo-datapalveluiden ja semanttisten portaalien sarjaa, joilla on ollut yhteensä miljoonia käyttäjiä. Parhaillaan Löytösammon tutkimusryhmä tekee yhteistyötä British Museumin ja Kansallismuseon kanssa.

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Avoimen julkaisemisen nykytilanne ja muita silmäyksiä avoimeen tieteeseen – katsaus Think Open -blogin vuodenvaihteen artikkeleihin

Think Open -blogissa on julkaistu vuodevaihteen ja alkuvuoden aikana monipuolinen kokonaisuus tieteen avoimuutta eri puolilta tarkastelevia artikkeleita. Alla on tiivis katsaus tarjontaan.

Jatka lukemista ”Avoimen julkaisemisen nykytilanne ja muita silmäyksiä avoimeen tieteeseen – katsaus Think Open -blogin vuodenvaihteen artikkeleihin”

The current situation of open access publishing and other perspectives on open science – an overview of the blog articles from the turn of the year

At the turn of the year, the Think Open blog has published a diverse selection of articles on the openness of science from different angles. Below is a brief overview of the latest blog articles.

Jatka lukemista ”The current situation of open access publishing and other perspectives on open science – an overview of the blog articles from the turn of the year”

The APC paywalls are here, now we’re looking for a way out – an overview of the current state of open publishing

In this second part of the Open science annual review 2023, we take a look at a key issue of the past year: the problem of affordability and equity created by the article processing charges (APC) for open access publishing – and the solutions proposed. Among the solutions, the diamond open access model, where no author fees are charged, has been the most discussed. As a complement to the diamond model, guaranteeing the right of self-archiving (green open access), either through legislation or organisational policies, has been discussed. The Plan S group of major research funders also has its own proposal which emphasises the role of researchers. In addition to these, other options will be discussed in this blog article. The first part of the Open science annual review looked at the news coverage for 2023.

Jatka lukemista ”The APC paywalls are here, now we’re looking for a way out – an overview of the current state of open publishing”

Open science annual review 2023: policies, news and reading recommendations

The opening section of the Open science annual review 2023 focuses on the domestic policies in Finland and outputs of the national Open science and research (AVOTT) collaboration. In addition, we also looked at last year’s news and reading tips. The news sections highlights a new initiative by Plan S funders, which has been described as revolutionary, and topics such as the cost of open access publishing and research evaluation. The reading tips include reviews of the open access situation in China, data discoverability and description, and reputation management for scientific publishers, in particular MDPI. The second part of the Annual Open Science Review focuses on the main topic of the past year: the problematic present and possible futures of open access publishing.

Jatka lukemista ”Open science annual review 2023: policies, news and reading recommendations”