20 kysymystä ja vastausta sensitiivisestä datasta, datanhallinnasta ja palveluista Helsingin yliopistossa

Mitä tehdä sensitiiviselle datalle tutkimusprojektin jälkeen? Miksi Googlen pilvipalvelut puuttuvat yliopiston tallennusratkaisutaulukosta? Kuka on Datatuki-verkostossa se henkilö, joka hallitsee datanhallinnan ”viidakon” kokonaisuudessaan? Muun muassa tällaisia kysymyksiä nousi esiin kevään tapaamisissa ja webinaareissa uuteen tutkimusdatapolitiikkaan liittyen. Blogiartikkeli käy läpi kysymykset, ja tarjoaa niihin myös Datatuki-verkoston vastaukset.

Jatka lukemista ”20 kysymystä ja vastausta sensitiivisestä datasta, datanhallinnasta ja palveluista Helsingin yliopistossa”

What it takes and what are the benefits of opening research data – summary of Datarepo2021 webinar

The challenges – as well as the opportunities – of open data are affecting more and more researchers, and regardless of the discipline, the same questions come up again and again: Can I open the research data I have collected? What does it require? How to deal with sensitive material? In March 2021, the University of Helsinki’s Data Support, in cooperation with data repositories, organized a webinar that brought together researchers and data management experts from various fields. The webinar focused on what it takes to open data and how open materials can be used. This blog post sums up the event.

Jatka lukemista ”What it takes and what are the benefits of opening research data – summary of Datarepo2021 webinar”

Open data as the foundation of interdisciplinary research – interview with Francesca Morello

If you could choose one way to advance opening data (regardless of costs), what would it be? Francesca Morello would choose data stewards as part of every research group: ”Data steward, as an expert professional, would be capable to support researchers’ choices on daily bases and could help them promote the optimal reuse of their data: both positive results but also negative findings.” Morello is one of the speakers at the webinar event ”What it takes: Open your research data” that takes place on 25 March 2021.

Jatka lukemista ”Open data as the foundation of interdisciplinary research – interview with Francesca Morello”