Overlay journals and online archives: the future of scientific publishing

”There is no reason why the combination of online archives and overlay journals cannot be extended to all disciplines, saving billions of euros a year. This would free up vast resources for research that are currently wasted on commercial publishers’ profits”, writes cosmologist Syksy Räsänen in his article. The path to a more sustainable publishing culture goes through awareness of the current situation and practical solutions. According to Räsänen, non-profit diamond open access publishing – open access with no APCs (article processing charges) – represents a return to the roots of the open access movement.

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Openly available but not open access – characteristics of so-called free articles

What is a research article that is open to the public one day but behind a paywall the next? Answer: free article. Free articles have different names in the publishers’ websites, but the common factor is that there is no guarantee that the publication will be open in the long term. In this blog article, we will discuss the characteristics of a free article and how to identify an open access article – and we’ll also cover a bit about self-archiving.

Jatka lukemista ”Openly available but not open access – characteristics of so-called free articles”

Tutkimuskanavan valinta on eettinen kysymys

”Yksipuolinen keskittyminen oman julkaisuluettelon salonkikelpoisuuteen ei yksinkertaisesti enää riitä”, kirjoittaa Taideyliopiston musiikkikasvatuksen professori Heidi Partti. Blogiartikkelissaan hän tarkastelee tieteellisen julkaisemisen käytäntöjä sekä oman kokemuksensa kautta että laajemmin. Kriittinen silmäys tieteelliseen julkaisukulttuuriin nostaa esiin kysymyksen julkaisukanavan valinnasta eettisenä valintana.

Jatka lukemista ”Tutkimuskanavan valinta on eettinen kysymys”

A webinar on estimating the quality of open access journals – and other open science events in May

Helsinki University Library organises a webinar, which will introduce UH researchers to the characteristic features of predatory publishers and journals and explain by which criteria one can tell the good journals from the predatory journals. In addition to this, library welcomes all University of Helsinki researchers, students and staff to virtual Open Science Café every Tuesday at 2–3 pm until the end of May.

Jatka lukemista ”A webinar on estimating the quality of open access journals – and other open science events in May”

Challenges of becoming too popular – arXiv growth requires updating maintenance

The most important repository of mathematical and physical sciences already contains 1.6 million e-prints. arXiv provides a platform for sharing e-prints openly for peer review. Over the years arXiv has grown into a giant, encouraging the birth of similar repositories in other scientific fields. This has been a challenge for arXiv maintenance, both in the technical and administrative sense. In this article, bibliometrics expert Eva Isaksson describes arXiv history, development and challenges.

Jatka lukemista ”Challenges of becoming too popular – arXiv growth requires updating maintenance”