The University’s open-source code principles support transparent software development


The IT Center released the University’s new open-source code principles at the end of 2022. This article answers questions about what open-source code principles and openness mean, to whom the principles apply and where you can find more detailed guidance and information on their application.
Jatka lukemista ”The University’s open-source code principles support transparent software development”

Open source policy and use at the University of Helsinki

As a rule, the University of Helsinki favours open technologies and open-source solutions. In practice, our choices are also steered by other principles and aspects concerning usability, maintenance and cost. Despite all its benefits, open source is not always synonymous with high-quality software engineering. In this blog entry, we discuss the open source policy and the open-source software adopted at the University, as well as considerations related to open source from the organisation’s perspective.

Jatka lukemista ”Open source policy and use at the University of Helsinki”

National research funding organisations’ cOAlition S recommends open access for books and reaches out to research community

Plan S, an initiative developed by major research funders, made the headlines when the funders’ requirement on open access publishing of research articles was pushed through with a time frame of only a few years. Since then, the academic world has waited for their statement on monographs and edited collections. The statement has now been published, and the accompanying recommendations reveal that the diversity of scholarly publishing has been considered more than in the Plan S guidelines.

Jatka lukemista ”National research funding organisations’ cOAlition S recommends open access for books and reaches out to research community”

Open learning in geography teaching in higher education

Open learning and open science are more engaged each other than one can think. In the geography teaching in higher education we have noticed that more open data sources, rise of open source software, and call for open publishing have affected also to our ways to teach. Because teaching and research are going hand in hand in higher education, so are open science and open learning too.

Jatka lukemista ”Open learning in geography teaching in higher education”