AVOTT has continued on the path set by ATT – Finland has created its own model for national cooperation in open science

Think Open 2018 revisited! The third blog post of 29 May 2018 is about the open science and data action plan, including the launch of the national coordination of open science under the auspices of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV). The past five years have been an energetic period of implementation the action plan. According to Ilmari Jauhiainen, member of the national open science secretariat, of the eight-point programme, only securing funding for open science has – so far – remained uncharted territory.

Jatka lukemista ”AVOTT has continued on the path set by ATT – Finland has created its own model for national cooperation in open science”

What motivates me to engage with Open science, and to study researchers’ perceptions and experiences of OS policy?

”The current OS policy emphasis of the altruistic researcher and one-size-fits-for-all guidelines, do not make Open science policies tangible at the micro level of everyday research practice. – – I firmly believe that gaps between the Open science policy and research practice are an unintended consequence”, writes project manager and researcher Erika Lilja in her article. Lilja’s article is a response to Think Open blog’s Open Access Week’s (October 19–25, 2020) challenge in which people working in science as researchers, specialists etc. tell what motivates them – personally – to foster open science. See other responses here (in Finnish). You are also welcome to participate in this challenge on Twitter with the topic tags #WhyOpenScience or #MiksiAvoinTiede.

Jatka lukemista ”What motivates me to engage with Open science, and to study researchers’ perceptions and experiences of OS policy?”