What it takes and what are the benefits of opening research data – summary of Datarepo2021 webinar

The challenges – as well as the opportunities – of open data are affecting more and more researchers, and regardless of the discipline, the same questions come up again and again: Can I open the research data I have collected? What does it require? How to deal with sensitive material? In March 2021, the University of Helsinki’s Data Support, in cooperation with data repositories, organized a webinar that brought together researchers and data management experts from various fields. The webinar focused on what it takes to open data and how open materials can be used. This blog post sums up the event.

Jatka lukemista ”What it takes and what are the benefits of opening research data – summary of Datarepo2021 webinar”

Choose the best storage solution for your research data with the Data Storage and Sharing Table

Determining the best data storage solution for your research can be cumbersome. To make the selection process easier, University of Helsinki researchers can now use the Data Storage and Sharing Table, which describes the various options available for storing research data. This blog post explains the criteria for choosing your research data storage solution.

Jatka lukemista ”Choose the best storage solution for your research data with the Data Storage and Sharing Table”

The importance of infrastructures and unprecedented potential of open data – interview with Tuomas Alaterä

”The greatest benefit [of open data] is that we do not know. We don’t know where, how and when the data will be used once they has been opened. That said, certain safeguards need to be in place for datasets containing sensitive information. But it does not change the idea; when these datasets are made available, as openly as possible, there is a lot of potential for future use”, says Tuomas Alaterä, Senior Specialist at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (Tietoarkisto), who has extensive work experience in the areas of digital preservation, open data and data services to support research.

Jatka lukemista ”The importance of infrastructures and unprecedented potential of open data – interview with Tuomas Alaterä”