Open data in regular use as part of work – interview with Jouni Tikkanen

After portal was opened in 2015, it has become a weekly tool for biologist and journalist Jouni Tikkanen as he searches for basic information on the Finnish species. Tikkanen hopes that also Finnish National Forest Inventory (VMI) data will also be opened up, as it would offer great opportunities for non-researchers as well: ”With that data as a groundwork I could build both magazine articles, podcast series and books.”

Jatka lukemista ”Open data in regular use as part of work – interview with Jouni Tikkanen”

The importance of infrastructures and unprecedented potential of open data – interview with Tuomas Alaterä

”The greatest benefit [of open data] is that we do not know. We don’t know where, how and when the data will be used once they has been opened. That said, certain safeguards need to be in place for datasets containing sensitive information. But it does not change the idea; when these datasets are made available, as openly as possible, there is a lot of potential for future use”, says Tuomas Alaterä, Senior Specialist at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (Tietoarkisto), who has extensive work experience in the areas of digital preservation, open data and data services to support research.

Jatka lukemista ”The importance of infrastructures and unprecedented potential of open data – interview with Tuomas Alaterä”

Services for data driven research are developed in the National Library

Last year, the National Library of Finland launched the Digital Open Memory project, which aims to develop the data driven services for researchers, especially in digital humanities. According to a survey conducted in the project, reading and interpreting texts, were still the major ways of using digital material among researchers in the humanities, and the pressure to provide more services for text and data mining is obvious.

Jatka lukemista ”Services for data driven research are developed in the National Library”