Not just storage as usual – Long-term storing of research data for the University of Helsinki (TPAT)

In 2022, the University of Helsinki made a decision to strengthen its research data storage services and data curation over the next five years backed by 1.5 million euros in funding. The long-term storage of research data (Tutkimusdatan pitkäaikaistallennus, TPAT) differs from a conventional data storage service. The TPAT service focuses on storing data for 5–15 years after the research is completed. TPAT answers the question: ”Where can I save this valuable data for future use or as evidence of research already completed?”

Jatka lukemista ”Not just storage as usual – Long-term storing of research data for the University of Helsinki (TPAT)”

What are the features of a good research data policy? University of Helsinki guidelines to be updated this year

The University of Helsinki is currently updating its research data policy. In this Think Open blog post, members of the working group responsible for the update share their views regarding the needs and goals of the new data policy. Their responses indicate that the key goal is for the shared data policy to facilitate the work of researchers in a concrete way, taking the special nature of research fields and research datasets into account. The respondents also agree on the need for clear guidelines and the definition of responsibilities. The importance of services as part of the guidelines is also noted. The UH policy draft is now opened for commentary.

Jatka lukemista ”What are the features of a good research data policy? University of Helsinki guidelines to be updated this year”

What it takes and what are the benefits of opening research data – summary of Datarepo2021 webinar

The challenges – as well as the opportunities – of open data are affecting more and more researchers, and regardless of the discipline, the same questions come up again and again: Can I open the research data I have collected? What does it require? How to deal with sensitive material? In March 2021, the University of Helsinki’s Data Support, in cooperation with data repositories, organized a webinar that brought together researchers and data management experts from various fields. The webinar focused on what it takes to open data and how open materials can be used. This blog post sums up the event.

Jatka lukemista ”What it takes and what are the benefits of opening research data – summary of Datarepo2021 webinar”