Finnish repositories support stronger national coordination in OpenAIRE harvesting – a summary of the OpenAIRE survey results

The survey’s key message to OpenAIRE is related to the changing metadata requirements. National coordination in OpenAIRE harvesting is seen as a solution for laborious metadata work. This is a short summary of the survey; a more detailed report is available  in the OpenAIRE blog (in Finnish).

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Open Science infrastructures in the Humanities? Greetings from DARIAH in Paris

Open science and data infrastructures can greatly support certain research areas in the humanities. The 2018 annual DARIAH meeting gathered a number of researchers, librarians, and other parties to discuss these topics in Paris. This blog post provides a summary and some highlights from the meeting.

Jatka lukemista ”Open Science infrastructures in the Humanities? Greetings from DARIAH in Paris”

Make a better data management plan with UH DataSupport!

University of Helsinki DataSupport will help researchers again this year in preparing data management plans (DMPs), which have become mandatory when applying for funding from Academy of Finland. DataSupport’s services consist of workshops that are held at all campuses as well as of DMP commenting service, which is open until 19th of September.

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Entistä ehompi aineistonhallintasuunnitelma HY:n Datatuen avustuksella!

Helsingin yliopiston Datatuki auttaa tänäkin vuonna tutkijoita aineistohallintasuunnitelman teossa, joka on tullut pakolliseksi osaksi Suomen Akatemian rahoitushakemusta. Datatuen palvelut koostuvat eri kampuksilla järjestettävistä työpajoista sekä kommentointipalvelusta, joka on auki 19.9.2018 asti.

Jatka lukemista ”Entistä ehompi aineistonhallintasuunnitelma HY:n Datatuen avustuksella!”