Editori-tarinat: Neuropsy Open – uusi avoimen julkaisemisen väylä erikoistumiskoulutuksen tarpeisiin

”Kirjallisuuskatsaukset ovat suuritöisiä ja tuovat arvokasta ajankohtaista tietoa kliinisesti relevanteista aiheista. Tuntui turhauttavalta, että ne jäisivät vain koulutuksen sisäiseen käyttöön. Editori-alusta tarjosi juuri oikeanlaisen ympäristön artikkeleiden julkaisuun”, Neuropsy Open -lehden päätoimittaja Laura Hokkanen kertoo. Neuropsy Open tuo neuropsykologian erikoispsykologikoulutuksen lopputyönä tehdyt kirjallisuuskatsaukset laajemman lukijakunnan ulottuville.

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Editori stories: Neuropsy Open – a new open publishing channel for specialization training needs

”The literary reviews are extensive and provide valuable up-to-date information on clinically relevant topics. It seemed frustrating to think that they would be left for internal use only in education. The Editori platform provided just the right environment for publishing articles, and this led to the creation of a new publication”, says Laura Hokkanen, editor-in-chief of Neuropsy Open journal. Neuropsy Open brings literature reviews written in special psychologist training to a wider readership.

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Editori stories: LUMAT – a top journal in its field of research in mathematics, science and technology teaching

”We run the journal on a small budget within our own working hours, and pretty much outside of working hours as well. The Editori offers us a little relief from the workload, for example by outsourcing maintenance”, says Johannes Pernaa, university lecture at the University of Helsinki. In this interview, Pernaa tells how LUMAT, one of the leading journal in its field, moved to the Editori publishing platform. He also talks about the daily life of running a scientific journal, from editorial work to marketing.

Jatka lukemista ”Editori stories: LUMAT – a top journal in its field of research in mathematics, science and technology teaching”

The open science annual review picks up the main topics in 2020: from Plan S to coronavirus pandemic

The open science review 2020 includes the refinements of Plan S and the tool for checking the Plan S compatibility of publishing channels, it provides a look at the guidelines and recommendations made in national open science coordination, and it provides an overview of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the openness of scientific information. The special theme is open access journals that vanish from the web – and the researcher’s means of preserving her or his own research.

Jatka lukemista ”The open science annual review picks up the main topics in 2020: from Plan S to coronavirus pandemic”

Where is the help and support for research data management?

The digital environment requires new skills from researchers. For example, a researcher has to understand the complexities of the relevant legislation, or know how to choose suitable IT solutions to keep their data secure. Fortunately, researchers are not left to navigate these issues alone, as we have several services available for data management.

Jatka lukemista ”Where is the help and support for research data management?”

Effective research data management? – DMP to the rescue!

Data management planning (DMP) is too often considered a burden and a bureaucratic procedure. However, a data management plan is a useful tool that helps researchers prepare more effectively for the research process and identify the potential risks. DMP also has significant pedagogical potential and, in collaboration with DMP organisations, can develop the infrastructure and services needed to conduct research.

Jatka lukemista ”Effective research data management? – DMP to the rescue!”