Should the model for science publishing be rethought – and what is involved in publishing? The blog in November

The Think Open blog themes in November were strongly related to open access publishing and author fees. The articles also dealt with open source at the University of Helsinki and the process of academic publishing from the publisher’s perspective.

Jatka lukemista ”Should the model for science publishing be rethought – and what is involved in publishing? The blog in November”

Research data, how to manage it and how to talk about data management – the blog in October

The Think Open blog articles in October were strongly connected to themes related to research data. In short interviews, researchers shed light on how open data is part of their work, and research data management (RDM) experts talk about RDM problems and their solutions. In the theme of open access, articles concentrated on Plan S, APC and SCOAP3.

Jatka lukemista ”Research data, how to manage it and how to talk about data management – the blog in October”